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commentbuddy.comETERNAL LOVE Remember me When the wind blows through the trees The leaves fall to the ground Flowers wilt and echoes fade Acorns are cracked and eaten The snow falls then melts away Rain washes away the tears And the sun dries the puddles up Fires blazing in the sky Even they someday must die Spirits rise while bodies fall Love is what shall save it all Though seasons change And days seem dreary Night falls and eyes are weary I watched you from within It may seem life passes too fast Remember me And our love shall last
BCOMMENTED.COMLife is a dream / Life is divine Life is unreal / Gonna make it mine Gonna map it out, from day to day Gonna make it easy, gonna laugh and play ‘Cause we are all just one little spark from the sun and we’ll all be together some day.There is power / There is delight There is magic / There is life and the universe goes round and round in whispers coaxing us all to become light keepers. And the secret of your grace is that smile upon your face which comes from deep inside - dream weaver.Forget your inhibitions / Trust your intuition Walk the path of knowing who you are With visualizations and affirmations you can reach for the beauty of the stars.Life is a dream / Life is divine Life is unreal / Gonna make it mine Life is a dream / Life is divine …… ……….mmm, yeah
IN THE EYES OF TIME In the eyes of time We are standing still Past and present All one line Through psychic links We jump the track Into the future Not looking back The farther we reach The further we go Into imagination And the mind below An endless journey Eternity's wake Through the eyes of time Not a moments wait
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I embrace you all with love, an open mind and a warm heart.
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Yo abrazo a todos ustedes con el amor, una mente abierta y un corazón cálido.COM
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SPIRIT OF SOUL, by Oliver Mbamara "The heart of love knows the spirit of Soul, And by the present practice of this perspective, Shall the journey home be commenced, And someday our destination shall meet within To discover again, the true substance we are.""And what am I but Soul, And what is Soul but that I am; The substance of beingness, Expressing the consciousness of Spirit.
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MEDITATION ON LIGHT The colours of the spectrum, contained in pure whiteThe simple Laws of Nature, are tested in the lightThe Light that sparked Creation, the Light that holds us nearThe Light that calls us homeward, The Light that makes things clearThe Light that grows much brighter, as it helps us all to thriveThe Light that shows compassion, ensuring we surviveThe Light that casts no shadows, as it rises deep insideThe Light that sees a part of us, we sometimes wish to hideIt’s not a question of religion, of colour or of creedBut a natural progression, of a simple human needThe Light that reigns eternal, in the shining of the sunThe Light that shows the pathways, of the journeys we’ve begunWhen the journey is over, and we finally departThe Light will take us home again, as it merges in the Heart
Courage is the strength to stand up When it's easier to fall down and lose hold.It is the conviction to explore new horizons When it's easier to believe what we've been told.Courage is the desire to maintain our integrity When it's easier to look the other way.It is feeling happy and alive, and moving forward When it's easier to feel sorry for ourselves and stay.Courage is the will to shape our world When it's easier to let someone else do it for us.It is the recognition that none of us are perfect When it's easier to criticize others and fuss.Courage is the power to step forward and lead When it's easier to follow the crowd; their pleas resound.It is the spirit that places you on top of the mountain When it's easier to never leave the ground.The foundation of courage is solid, The rock that doesn't roll.Courage is the freedom Of our mind, body, and soul!
It takes courageTo refrain from gossip When others delight in it, To stand up for the absent person Who is being abused.It takes courageTo live honestly Within your means, And not dishonestly On the means of others.It takes courageTo be a real man or a true woman, To hold fast to your ideals When it causes youTo be looked upon As strange and peculiar.It takes courageTo be talked about, And remain silent; When a word would justify you In the eyes of others,But which you dare not speak Because it would injure another.It takes courageTo refuse to do something That is wrong Although everyone else May be doing itWith attitudes as carefree As a summer song.It takes courageTo live according To your own convictions, To deny yourself What you cannot afford.To love your neighbor As yourself!
Manantial Tushuy

Rain Dance

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Free comments best myspace layoutsO our Mother the Earth,blessed is your name. Blessed are your fields and forests, your rocks and mountains, your grasses and trees and flowers, and every green and growing thing. Blessed are your streams and lakes and rivers, the oceans where our life began, and all your waters that sustain our bodies and refresh our souls. Blessed is the air we breathe, your atmosphere, that surrounds us and binds us to every living thing. Blessed are all creatures who walk along your surface or swim in your waters or fly through your air, for they are our relatives. Blessed are all the people who share this planet, for we are all one family, and the same spirit moves through us all. Blessed is the sun, our day star, bringer of morning and the heat of summer, giver of light and life. Blessed is the moon, our night lamp, ruler of the tides, protector of all women, and guardian of our dreams. Blessed are the stars and planets, the time-keepers, who fill our nights with beauty and our hearts with awe. O Great Spirit whose voice we hear in the wind and whose face we see in the morning sun, blessed is your name Help us to remember that you are everywhere, and teach us the way of peace.
Cryptic Spirit------------------------Petal pistil, stigma stamen, nurturing flower. Soaring wings, fickle flight, searching winds. Nectar sweet, quick retreat, praying feeding. Life life, larvae pupae, thriving imposter. Idle still, basking sun, undying freedom. Former pebble, Great Spirit, breath of life, emerging traveler.Northern winds, southern breeze, silent traveler. Mountains high, valleys low, ascending flower. Start anew, awake asleep, seeking freedom. Come come, finger pointing, gesturing winds. Hidden eyes, no attack, deceiving imposter. Puddle cluster, male only, life-giving feeding.Yellow black, wild anise, fennel sweet, feeding. Silent still, fertile dreams, secret joy, mysterious traveler Copy tease, mimic power, hidden again, imposter. Orange orange, indigo blue, larval food, flower. Riding high, flutter low, north south, winds. Great respect, fortune good, purpose life, freedom.Stop go, fast slow, frenzied landing, freedom. Flutter stop, flower power, nectar sweet, feeding. Up down, gentle breeze, Santa Anna, winds. Graceful graceful, radiant angel, bright lights, traveler. Showy color, open close, quickly landing, flower. Hide seek, long ago, covert life, imposter.Molten mummy, silk cocoon, noble imposter. Naked danger, harden new, limited freedom. Native species, vital food, impatient flower. Lucky lucky, sipping nectar, flower feeding. Survival fittest, cold blooded, captivating traveler. Migration long, life renewed, running winds.Solar strength, sailing smooth, gentle winds. Many faces, ugly duck, cunning imposter. Virgin wings, slender angel, confident traveler. Faith faith, spirit peace, flittering freedom. Fortunate flower, grateful eyes, tender feeding. Gathering pollen, sharing life, giving flower.A dancing flower feeding in the east-west winds, signals the awaited metamorphosis. Imposter ready; tenacious traveler, freedom won. Silent perfection, momentary pleasure, winged spirit, b u t t e r f l y.

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The DeerStands for: Nutrition, Care, Love.ONLY WHAT WHICH WE GIVE A WALUE WILL SHOW ITSELF IN OUR LIVES.Human being are constantly on the lookout for a reasons and purposes in life. But the meaning of life is to accept love as the only truth. Nothing else exists, and nothing else has ever been. The love of The Creator has given us can never be taken away from us. It is our forever. But often we have doubts about this. Our lack of trust to our Creator promises really are the true, make us depressed and doubtful. But what would you need more than love? You can..t have any other because there is no other.Do not let your internal doubts to decide your way and build your life. Walking along a path lined by illusions can make no one happy. Take care of love, nurture it, celebrate it and enjoy it. Only that which we give a value will show itself in our lives. Give yourself and the world the only nourishment that is, the only nourishment that lets everything be as it is.

BCOMMENTED.COM The Mother Of DreamsGoddess supreme, Mother of Dream, by thy ivory doors when thou standest, Who are they then that come down unto men in thy visions that troop, group upon group, down the path of the shadows slanting? Dream after dream, they flash and they gleam with the flame of the stars still around them; Shadows at thy side in a darkness ride where the wild fires dance, stars glow and glance and the random meteor glistens; There are voices that cry to their kin who reply; voices sweet, at the heart they beat and ravish the soul as it listens.What then are these lands and these golden sands and these seas more radiant than earth can imagine? Who are those that pace by the purple waves that race to the cliff-bound floor of thy jasper shore under skies in which mystery muses, Lapped in moonlight not of our night or plunged in sunshine that is not diurnal? Who are they coming thy Oceans roaming with sails whose strands are not made by hands, an unearthly wind advances? Why do they join in a mystic line with those on the sands linking hands in strange and stately dances?Thou in the air, with a flame in thy hair, the whirl of thy wonders watching, Holdest the night in thy ancient right, Mother divine, hyacinthine, with a girdle of beauty defended. Sworded with fire, attracting desire, thy tenebrous kingdom thou keepest, Starry-sweet, with the moon at thy feet, now hidden now seen the clouds between in the gloom and the drift of thy tresses. Only to those whom thy fancy chose, O thou heart-free, is it given to see thy witchcraft and feel thy caresses.Open the gate where thy children wait in their world of a beauty undarkened. High-throned on a cloud, victorious, proud I have espied Maghavan ride when the armies of wind are behind him; Food has been given for my tasting from heaven and fruit of immortal sweetness; I have drunk wine of the kingdoms divine and have healed the change of music strange from a lyre which our hands cannot master, Doors have swung wide in the chambers of pride where the Gods reside and the Apsaras dance in their circles faster and faster.For thou art she whom we first can see when we pass the bounds of the mortal; There at the gates of the heavenly states thou hast planted thy wand enchanted over the head of the Yogin waving. From thee are the dream and the shadows that seem and the fugitive lights that delude us; Thine is the shade in which visions are made; sped by thy hands from celestial lands come the souls that rejoice for ever. Into thy dream-worlds we pass or look in thy magic glass, then beyond thee we climb out of Space and Time to the peak of divine endeavour.1908-1909- Sri Aurobindo
BCOMMENTED.COMNATURE'S WAYSSlowly, gently, multicolored blooms appear Peppering the air with a sweet fragrance, Ripening buds, on each a dewdrop, a tear In which the sun's rays perform a dance. Nature's way of showing that she can Govern herself without the help of man. Sunny days now bring about the heat Unveiling her powerful force of re-birth, Moving, with a pulsating yet gentle beat, Man and beast and all else on Earth, Ever forward and yet following the call Recorded at the beginning of it all.And then her vital force begins to weaken Unable to sustain the original pace, Trembling as if by some disease stricken Unsure of its will to complete the race. Maimed, weak, and ravaged by time Nature still retains her dignity sublime.When the struggle ends and all seems lost, Into the dark realm of death Nature slips No cry is heard, no counting of the cost, Total silence is all that escapes her lips. Earth, too, doesn't mourn nor does it weep Realizing Nature isn't dead, but just asleep.Slowly, gently, multicolored blooms appear Peppering the air with a sweet fragrance ....
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On The Wings Of HopeAs an ancient legend goes;If anyone desires a wish to come true, they must capture a butterfly and whisper that wish to it.Since butterflies make no sound, They can’t tell that wish to anyone but the Great Spirit.So by making the wish and releasing the butterfly, It will be taken to the heavens and be granted.Although this legend implies that we should keep our wishes silent, there are some wishes that need to be expressed out loud.To those that have been touched by the disease we are helping to fight today,We wish the caregivers strength and tranquility, and thank them for their gifted labor of love.We wish the survivors a long and happy life, and thank them for showing us how to fight with courage and determination.We wish those currently fighting the battle energy and hope, and thank them for showing us what true bravery is all about.And finally, we wish the victims peace and love, and thank them for the joy and happiness they brought to us.With this symbolic gesture, we honor those that have left us and encourage those left behind to continue the fight “On the Wings of Hope”.
And the world will be born again in circles of steaming breath and beams of light as each one of us directs our inner eye upon its name.Hear the cry of wings the sigh of leaves and grass. Smell the new sweet mist rising as the pathway is cleared at last.Stones stand ready - they have known since ages and ages ago that they were not alone. Water carries the planet’s energy into skies and down to earth and bones.The cold parts steadily as we come together, bodies and hearts warm, hands tingling. We are silent but our eyes are singing.We look, we feel, we know we trust each other’s souls we have no need to speak. Not now, but later, when the time is right, the name will ring within the iron core of each other’s listening and the very earth’s being.Every creature, every plant, will hear it calling - tolling like a bell, a sound we’ve always felt but never dared to hope to hear reverberating - true, at last, at every level of existence.The poets come together to open the intimate center. Believe in life and air - breathe the light itself for these are the energies and rhythms that we need to see to touch, to reach, to identify to say the NAME.Colours on your skin fuse and dissolve - leave the river clean for pure space and time to enter and flow in. We all become one fluid stream of stillness and motion, of flaring thought pulses discovering weird pools and twists within where darkness hides from the flames in our eyes but will not snare us.We probe deeper still journeying towards a unity which will be more RAW and yet also more formed than anything spoken or written before.Our fragile bodies fall away and the trees and the roots of trees guide us - lead us away from the faces we remember seeing each day in the mirror - into an ocean of dreams seething with warmth, love, where the beginning is REAL, ripe, evolving.And the world is born again in circles of steaming breath and beams of light.An ache - a signal - a trembling moment - the time is right to say the name.We sing as one whole voice of the universal all the words, the names of every tiny thirsting thing and they ring out together as one sound one energy one sense one vibration one breath. And the world listens, beats, shines, glows - is Exists!Yin and YangI am the feminine. I am the masculine. I am one and I am both. My darkness can be trying. My lightness can be blinding. But in balance there is harmony. There is always a choice to make. Which one will it be? The path of surrender, Or the one of resistance? They both lead to the same goal. The darkness is only the void That you travel from time to time. The lightness is the intuition that Gently guides you from within. The resistance is to fight the elements. The surrender is to embrace the flow. How many falls will you create before You walk on steady ground? Which is better for you? Harmony and freedom, Or chaos and turmoil? What about balance and stability? I am Yin and I am Yang. And I can be all that at once. The choice is yours to make.
1. Power animal in the East is your guide and your protector on your spiritual journey.2 Power animal in the south is the protector of your internal child, your internal innocence3. Power animal in the west will help you find your internal truths, your internal insights.4. Power animal in the north will help you to reach the highest levels of communication, to understand where the silence will help you and when the words do.5. Power animal above is your guide in the dream land. The dreams are a powerful tool in your spiritual development.6. Power animal below will help you to be in steady contact with the physical and with mother earth.7. Power animal within will help you honor your own force, to develop your special talents and skills. To confirm that you are worthy and loved.8. Power animal on the right side is the protector of your fatherly energy.9. Power animal on the left side is the protector of your motherly energy.
Many Lifetimes Ago Many lifetimes ago We raced through the universe Like two shooting stars Without a home Never burning out Never growing old Our love was strong.We invented love While playing on the rings of Saturn We slept and gave warmth to one another While hiding out on Pluto We stopped by the sun for tea Then moved on again Our love was strong.Then came the time to leave this infinite space We wept and smiled For we knew we'd meet again When the time came, you moved ahead and I stayed behind My reason for yielding was simple I had to watch your miracle of life from above My love was strong.I was born on a warm Monday Years passed by and I missed your company so deeply I knew not who you were or where you slept But knew you were there, always there A lifetime of searching made me tired and weak I knew nowhere else to look until you willed me back into your life Your love was strong.Tonight we rest our heads in slumber Dreaming of a life of love, hope, laughter, and joy Smiling at one another as we go For tomorrow we meet again To share one another in joyful bliss As we sing and dance, hand in hand while the sun sets Our love is strong.Our love is strong. And now we come together Come together again to gain what is rightfully ours We come together to gain the other half of our soul So that it may once again become whole Two bodies, one we can close our eyes And travel the universe just like we did so many lifetimes ago.

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