tattooed lady.. profile picture

tattooed lady..

I am here for Friends

About Me

charlotte and Vi's Mom, that's pretty much awesome. Married to Matt- myspace Looove connection! It really can happen! Beauty School every day, same time same place. Come and get your hair permed. I can do it! Snuggle Bug Ranch scheduled to open 08' ask me how!

My Interests

snuggle bugs,angrys,pygmy goats,feeding ducks with my homies

I'd like to meet:

a pirate, cookie monster, a rabbi and a kosher pickle


Johnny Cash, Patsy Cline, Miss Loretta Lynn,Postal Service, Death Cab, Hello Goodbye, Hank III- thanks be to Jeska!, anything that's good to roll perms to really!


Talladega Nights, shake N' bake!, Best in Show, A Mighty Wind,Hello Kitty Becomes a Princess and Fragle Rock are also very big in our house!


GILMORE GIRLS- saying it loud and proud! Sesame street, Deal or no Deal and law and order SVU- Dun dun!


living green, 5 acres to freedom, Dan Brown,how to raise Chickens, the very hungry caterpillar, goodnight moon, you know Oprah's book club basically


my husband, 3 am he's up with a bottle of milk, and back in bed before I can say- "hey wha happenin?!"

My Blog

a poop in the pants kinda day

Some days it feels like I'm kissin' bricks. 
Posted by tattooed lady.. on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

what? where the hell

Well here I sit, months since my last blog. Growing belly, nausea finally at ease. What the hell happened?! One minute I'm not content in Ca, feeling like I'm spinning my wheels, the next I end up...
Posted by tattooed lady.. on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


Sorry everyone that I've been neglecting this place lately! So, what to say about me and what I've been up to, well. Berta and I are in NC as I write from my sisters computer in her dorm. we roadtr...
Posted by tattooed lady.. on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


Life is funny to me. One day- you have life on a string, you know what you want, where to go, what to do and how to do it; you just wait though. NO particular reason, no real rush- just waiting, sub...
Posted by tattooed lady.. on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


So many things, so little time- life is like a puzzle whats the next piece to mine? Traveling around meandering through, life's about decisions only one i'm sure of is you. Fear, taking over- loss o...
Posted by tattooed lady.. on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

i heart nerds....

well, what a week! Berta and I almost got evicted, and the girls- (our lil doggies) almost had to find new homes. Not to fear though, due to some super ass-kissing letters and a little begging, we a...
Posted by tattooed lady.. on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

squirell's and there nuts....

So, today was training day for my new job, yes thats' right, I am now officially a squirell trainer, hahah no, actually I got the title for this blog due to all the cocktail peanut tray refilling i di...
Posted by tattooed lady.. on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


ello ello myspace friends, who'sever reading this, you're prolly wondering why I entiteled this virgin and I will tell you, It's my first blog entry! But, thats not all. I've kinda been MIA around t...
Posted by tattooed lady.. on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST