composition, abstraction, degradation. Vodka Psilocybin Pain Sleep the box
Beings who know and are sure of what they are. Stolichnaya Absinthe and Moskovskaya among others...
Amebix, Satanic Warmaster, Ofermod, Deviated Instinct, Wolok, Ulver, Blut Aus Nord, Samhain, Genocide Organ, Death In June, Ondskapt, Tenebrae In Perpetuum, Nastrond, The Black, Arckanum, Bethlehem, Silencer, Rudimentary Peni, Ashdautas, Volahn, Deceiving Myriad, Ibex Throne, Nosvrolok, Clandestine Blaze, Whitehouse, Aghast, Warloghe, Xibalba, Dodfodd, Belketre, Thergothon, Sortsind, Kaamos, Miasma, Vpaahsalbrox, Elysian Fields, Nihilistics, Sigur Ros, Slowdive, Katharsis, Bone Awl.....
Anything by Akira Kurasawa, The Betrayal, Harakiri, Cemetary Man....
Julius Evola. the turner diaries. various ONA literature. Milton. Maldoror.
People who would die rather than submit.