HISTORY OF THE DEAD HORSESOne of the most powerful rock-n-roll decades dominated by the bands like Guns n Roses, Bon Jovi, Metallica influenced future of many young talents all over the world as well as young teenagers in Slovakia, Central Europe. Back in ‘93 a 15-year-old rebelling teenager and Guns n Roses freak called Truba having been sick of school and his family problems decides to pick up his first guitar to which he refers as piece of crap and decides to become one of the greatest guitarists in the world. Truba practicing 8 hours a day soon realizes that he and his best friend from their ice-hockey days Kacha on drums made of ice-cream boxes are in a need of a bad ass singer. Kacha calls up a 17-year-old student of grammar school called Tucho overwhelmed by The Doors movie and sound and style of Guns n Roses to take up a position of singer. Tucho amazed by Truba’s rock’n’roll sound, claiming to be the best sound ever (today referred as catastrophic), cannot reject the offer of his life. Not knowing anything about music and the industry, but on the other hand enjoying the bond and chemistry among them, these three young Slovakians frustrated by anti-rock’n’roll attitude and surrounding mockery of the society decide to make their American dream come true. Not being taken seriously and being doomed to failure before the band even starts they decide to call themselves The Dead Horses. Soon enough after that their old friend Don Gordon Kiss joins the band. Disregarding the fact that they cannot afford any equipment they decide to utilize anything they’ve got and start to rehearse in an old damp shack. In order to take it to the next level Tucho and Gordon leave for the UK to work at an international farm camp for students where they starve, work their asses off and save up for the band everything they can. Tucho’s blind and endless faith in the band and especially in Truba’s tremendous talent makes him spend almost all his money on Truba’s dreamed Les Paul Standard guitar. Tucho starts studying at a university where he approaches his classmate playing the bass guitar called Jack to join the band. Jack is amazed by the band’s dedication, chemistry and especially rock’n’roll spirit, so he has no doubts that joining the band is the right decision. Being talked out by many of his friends telling him that it is not a good idea to switch from a band that has already released two albums to a band without any experience whatsoever, he does not hesitate a second and completes the line-up of The Dead Horses. Throughout the years the band has to face and overcome everlasting obstacles from changing one drummer after another exceeding number 20. With the help of a friend of theirs Michal Michalik (who later on dies in a car accident) they manage to record their demo tracks which have enormously positive worldwide response on the internet and positive criticism from the people in the industry. Later on the band is recognized as the best band influenced by Guns n Roses on an unofficial Guns n Roses’ web site. The band is approached by Gerry van den Berg, executive of a compilation project, to participate in the compilation taking place in the USA and Canada. The project is never realized due to financial difficulties. Frustration of the band from the project bankruptcy is intensified by endless legal problems associated with granting visa for the USA. In 2002 Ken Monroe approaches the band by making comments on the band’s web site commending on the art, songwriting and sound saying that some of the songs he’s just heard are better than anything he has recently heard in the USA. In the meantime Truba intends to keep playing, so he joins a couple of bands. One of the bands appears on a festival in the Czech Republic where Truba is called up by David Koller of Lucie and Kollerband signed to the Universal record label and Radek Pastrnak of Buty signed to the SONY & BMG record label (recognized and well-known artists in the Czech Republic) to record guitar parts in several songs for both of them. Overall frustration caused by idleness and personal emotional life ends up in Gordon’s leaving the band and pursuing his attorney career. Tucho’s dramatic relationship breakup with his girlfriend leads to antidepressant pills and his emotional breakdown, and ends up in a cruel twist of fate. Tucho burns bridges and along with Ken Monroe’s cooperation he finally manages to get The Dead Horses to the USA. Eventually Truba rejects a potential major record deal with Buty and other musical offers, Jack leaves all his professional activities behind.
Finally after 12 years of struggle, ups and downs, frustration, hopes and disappointments, strong faith in the band, The Dead Horses get closer to making their dream come true.JUST CLICK PLAY TO HEAR WHAT I LIKE..
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"When I open my eyes I must sigh, for what I see is contrary to my religion, and I must despise the world which does not know that music is a higher revelation than all wisdom and philosophy."
-- Ludwig van Beethoven, quoted by Bettina von Arnin, letter to Goethe, 1810"...And if we cannot end now our differences, at least we can help make the world safe for diversity. For, in the final analysis, our most basic common link is that we all inhabit this small planet. We all breathe the same air. We all cherish our children's future. And we are all mortal. —John F. Kennedy (eligarf)"
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