Miss Meat. anyone who has something to say about anything...I think that's it.
Music: NINE INCH NAILS, TOOL, A PERFECT CIRCLE, Spoon, Street, Violent Femmes, H.I.M, Orgy, Motion City Soundtrack, EMERY, Alexisonfire, Cake, Smashing Pumpkins, Nirvana, Strawberry Alarm Clock, The Doobie Brothers, C.S.N.Y, I could go on...WAY on.
Movies: WAKING LIFE, Planes Trains & automobiles, Cabaret, Fear And Loathing In Las Vegas, Lord Of The Rings, Apocalypse now!, Closer, Garden State, Any good movie with a plot...and actors, gotta have them actors.
Books: Pure Sunshine-Brian James, Tomarrow, Mabye- Brian James, Talking in the dark-Billy Merril, The New Apocrypha- Various Writers, Stop Sleeping through your dreams: A guide To awakening Conciousness during sleep- Charles McPhee, Zen and the Birds of Appetite- Thomas Merton, I could go on with this one too. WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY On...Not Just way on ...WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY on.