tis my favorite game when i was stil kiDDD!!... I`d lyk to play basketball,playing ps and pc,playing billiard,playing badminton,hangout w/ my frends,goin to malls,litening to music,talking to strangers bWahahahah joke lng....I`d lyk to meet person....that`s it dauck
thOse whO aRe sExy,pReTty,cUte,maBaiT,nIce tO Be wItH,FrEndLy,,aNd tHaT`s It fOLkS.....if yOu Lyk tO aDD mE..hErE`s mY eMaiL aDD [email protected]
Nov 21, 2004 10:20 PM
below (I`d seen it just last nigth),the eye,the grudge,the ring,2 fast 2 furious,matrix reloaded, and X-men 2........ayt
sharp,panasonic,LG,sony bWahahaha joke lng well i lyk all of the anime and 7th heaven,dark angel,charmed,buffy,myx & mtv (coz i lyk lestining music),klasmeyt,nigiiinig & bubble gang.........
harry potter,spwan and other comiczzzzzz,........
nObOdy bUt mY SeLF Ü...