('''v"')nÎcôlé.. profile picture



About Me

HEyyy WEll MAh nAmEz NIcOLe N Im 18yrz OLd UmmmM WAt ELse oH CArMIna Iz MAh BEstIEst FRieNd (LUv YAh GUrl) um mah favorite colours are green and pink thats if you wanted to noe and yeh im very out going and love to speak my mind what else i only hate people if they either dis-respect me my family or friends but other than that i dont hate neone ohhh and for emo people omg you people really scare me sumthing badd!!! i love tha out doorz love going to tha beach to hang out perve and probley perve sum more hehehe what can i say i love tha sexc boyz!!! i carnt wait until i actually turn 18 and i cn finally hit tha clubz yay i swear im going to own tha dance floor nar just kiddin i wish but!! and yeh if you are curious about sumthing or want to ask me sumthing honestly just ask me i wont get offended or nothn kzz!!!
http://i64.photobucket.com/albums/h170/gorjuzz2006/damnfine. jpg

My Interests

-ShoPPinG- -GOin BEacH- -cITaY- -EAtiNG- -slEePinG- -PervN ON SEXc GUyz- -MorE SHoPPing- -Oh And MoRe SExc GuyZ-
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Hosted by Sparkle Tags

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I'd like to meet:

UmMMmM Id LIke To mEeT AloT Of PeOPle So WEre DO I BEgIn!!! WEll UmMmMMm 2pac ( i swear hez stil alive),ChriStiAnO RonAlDo, ChrIS bROwn,MAssArI,MIchAeL JackSon,JessICa AlbA,Umm SUm HOtT BRazILiaN MOdeLz Omg SoOOoo HOttTt..... Ummm YEh I CArnT THINk aT THa MOmeNT So I WIL geT baK A BIt LAtER..........
Hosted by Sparkle Tags
Hosted by Sparkle Tags
Hosted by Sparkle Tags


.dAncE .Hip HOP .TRaNCe .HoUSe .FunKy HOUse
Hosted by Sparkle Tags .HArdCOrE .DUrTaY BeaTs .r&b I DUnO I LIke AloT OF MUSic BEsiDEs HEavvY METal ANd COunTRy....
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=NePolEOn DynImiTe =WhiTe cHIcKz =ScaRy MOvIe 1,2,3,4 =Saw 1,2 = HonEY
Hosted by Sparkle Tags =YOu GOt SERvED.. =mR aNd Miss SMiTh =FasT And THa FUriOuS =And SUm OthERz
Hosted by Sparkle Tags


UmmMM - o.C - PRiSOn BReak - LagUnA BEacH - MadE
Hosted by Sparkle Tags - MAkiNg THa BAnd - mTv AltOgEThA Any MUsiC cHanEl BEsIDes COunTRY.
Hosted by Sparkle Tags


NOt REAllY A Book PErsON BUT I LIKe MAgazINEs likE .CozMo .CleO .DollY .GUrlFWeNd
Hosted by Sparkle Tags And SUm OTherZ


Hosted by Sparkle Tags
Hosted by Sparkle Tags
TAkE THiZ PwEEse.....
your name? mz nicole
your age? 17
fav colour? green/pink
number of tats? 1
fav take away? mcaccz
how many piercings do you have? 10
your height? 175cmz
place you were born? brazil
religon? christian
smoker? what kind of smoke?
alcohol drinker? hell yeh
country you live in? austraila
what you want to be wen ur older? duno yet
if you had one wish what would it be? for more wishes durr
your dream gf/bf? duno
are you good/bad boy/girl? bad gurl
like to go and perve? hell yeh at tha beach for su