K-Dub profile picture


I like to think of Jesus as a mischievous badger.

About Me

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My Interests

laugh, not cleaning, going to the grocery store, cooking food that makes my tummy happy, visiting, tuna, bacon, massages, email, being cozy, wine, guy love, thick socks, kicking ass and taking names, living in the present while remembering the past, allergy medication, rain, and other stuff too...

I'd like to meet:


Phish, moe., The Beatles, Ani Difranco, Pink Floyd, Radiohead, Portishead, Jeff Buckley, Cold Play, Elton John, Neil Diamond, The Grateful Dead, Miles Davis, The Killers, Travis, James, Tim Booth, Keller Williams, Madonna, BOB MARLEY, Galactic, Norah Jones, Chris Issak, No Doubt, Tim Reynolds, U2, Lou Reed, Wide spread Panic, String Cheese Incident, Rolling Stones, Jack Johnson, Jefferson Airplane,Tenacious D, Oh yes and how can I forget Dave Matthews Band...sweet, sweet Dave.


I will do a top 20ish in no particualr order (sorta)- Back to the Future, Annie, The Shawshank Redemtion, Garden State, Forrest Gump, The Royal Tenenbaums (any Wes Anderson Film, really), My Best Friends Wedding, Lost in Translation, Goodfellas, The Usual Suspects, Hook, Big Fish, Edward Scissorhands, What's Eating Gilber Grape, Pirates of the Carribean, Annie Hall, Singing in the Rain, Young Frankenstein, Best In Show, and Waynes World!


Despite all of my efforts, I have become a television whore. Living large and watching... LOST, HEROS, Family Guy, Dancing With the Stars, The Office, Earl, Scrubs, Sarah Silverman, Iron Chef, The Girls Next Door... really anything that will distract me from studying


At the present time, I feel guilty unless I am reading a text book...check back in about a year and a half...


My Mommy. My Daddy. My Princess. My Chief.