I sing and play guitar in
Every five years a human being reinvents itself, whether he is prepare, wants it, likes it he/she has no say. Therefore, it is time for me to change my "about me". So, what am I? how am I? well it all depends of moods, situations and people. Describing myself is a sort of cheating in a contest for I will say only the good things about my persona. It is also confusing since I feel like I have not change much yet I am not the same person today as I was a year ago. Sometimes I really wish I was.
I could certianly tell you things I have learn over my short years. Pay attention because it will be useful, I promise I will keep it in 3 short steps.
First, though they annoyed the heck out of me, parents kick ass.
Secondly, I have learned to keep my mouth shut and picking my battles.
Third, it is not enough to like yourself, you have to BELIEVE in you.BONUS 4.
Always love yourself before anyone.
Why? Why NOT! (Alexander the great)
How? by not asking "why"
Which Saint Seiya character are you?
You are... Dragon Shiryu
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How evil are you?
Which Guitar Player Are You?
Yngwie Malmsteen
You are Yngwie Malmsteen! You are an arrogant prick, but may very well be the most technically sound, musically smart guitarist on the planet. You know you're better than everyone else, and you've got the skills to prove it. You're a master composer of music, and such an egomaniac that nothing can change your style; not that that's a bad thing.
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