R.I.P. logan, he survived countless incounters with some of the most powerful people in the marvel U, but Miranda fucked his shit up good...My wife dropped some serious cash to get me this,and she broke it! I also like Boobies, big Boobies!!! I have my daughter now, she is my life now for the most part. My friends always know I'm there for them, but only if they need stuff, not for emotional shit, cause thats gay...
The dude who first made porno with animales, that must have been sweet. Oh and the guy who first made nachos, so I could have stolen his idea and killed him and use him in the nachos! Then I would have fist fucked his mom, cause thats how I roll! fuck you!
Im sorry to say I like old man music, I cant handle some of the newer music now adays. Pass the oatmeal christ!
I enjoy my cheezy movies, the comedys that really take two or three times to get all the jokes, like loaded weapon one, and fatal intinct. I also enjoys me some horror, troma has always been good, just want to thank anthony and Babu for introing me to that, I love you, and I'm not gay. PORNo! But with chicks, no dicks... Or there can be dicks, just not on the chicks, which tony sweares is the best of both worlds! I disagree, but to each there own.
scrambled porn... I started watching Hare + Guu, Baki the grappler, and law and order:SVU. Simpsons, family guy, and king of the hill are still favorites. But then they canceled the funamation channel, now if I get the chance I watch drawn together or south park. Soft core porns good, but only when the story lines are weak and I dont have to spend time figuring shit out. I'm trying to rub one out, not figure out whoes behind the case of the missing toothbush.
I read the newspaper in the john, does that count?... HUH?... Well then, game informer, toyfare, and wizard magazine... and the back of porno boxes, can you sence that I'm trying to emplement porno into every aspect of my myspace yet?
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Never really had to many hero's going up. I watched a lot of t.v. as a child. Stallone, arnold, bruce, the ninja turtles, ghostbusters, I looked up to them all, cause they had class. And they killed people. Ron jeremy cause he really doesnt care what people think, he just gets laid. And I respect that, and he give me hope that someday all fat hairy men with thrive once more in this age of skinny hairless freaks of nature