Music, science, poetry, politics (mostly bitching about untill I hold a high enough position to do something about it), pushing boundaries, scuba diving, being taken out to fancy dinners, songwriting, camping, wine (liquor is nice too), sleeping in the sun, crossing "the line", life....just being a part of it all
A 20ft white shark
Jazz, Blues, Bossa Nova, Funk, Reggae, Americana, Classic Rock, Sorca, Samba, West African, Musical Theatre, Bluegrass, Emo, Indie, Hip-hop, a lil punk here and there and I think that pretty much covers it
"a faucet into the house that runs about 5 percent clear water and 95 percent raw sewage" But I fuckin' LOVE that reality show raw sewage, it's great tasting pollution for the mind!
Tao of Physics, The Selfish Gene, People's History of the United States, Uncommon Ground, Cradle to Cradle, Tale of Two Cities, T. S. Eliot Compilatoins
Martin Luther King Jr., Ghandi, Sjorner Truth, David Brower, Ani Difranco, Aldo Leopold, Bobby McFerrin, Jeff Buckley, Jamie Cullum, Stevie Wonder