Ryan Doom profile picture

Ryan Doom

It really annoys me that people say we've done eleven albums that sounds exactly the same. We've don

About Me

I love metal, horror movies, my Mrs., and mints.
I made this profile because I have LOTS of free time here at work.
Aaaaaaahhhhhhhhh, Nick Cave. How I love thee.

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My Interests

- I dig my awesome wife, who is a cutie pie.
- I'm obsessed with music. It's to the point of being unhealthy.
- I love playing my drums.
- I love comic books. And regular books.
- I love Conan - both O'Brien and Barbarian style.
- I really, really, really wish Norse mythology was real.
- I enjoy video games, when I have the time. Which is usually when the Mrs. is busy with school.

I'd like to meet:


Yes, please.


Anything with Toshiro Mifune in it. He is the greatest actor of all time. Anything with Vincent Price. Akira Kurosawa movies. The Rocky movies! Ray Harryhausen movies. Christopher Guest movies. John Cleese. Peter Sellers. Wes Anderson movies. Anything with Clint Fucking Eastwood. Lone Wolf and Cub movies. (any samurai movie for that matter) Horror movies! God I love horror movies. Especially those before 1980. "When We Were Kings" is the best documentary I have ever seen. So many more, I will have to update this.


DEADWOOD, the new Battlestar Galactica series, Arrested Development, Carnivale, Strangers With Candy, Mr. Show, Felicity, Star Trek: The Next Generation, Batman (with Adam West. High-freaking-larious), Seinfeld, Col. Blake-era M.A.S.H. (before they got self-righteous and starting taking themselves seriously), The Simpsons (pre 2001), Powerpuff Girls, Man vs. Wild, Cash Cab, No Reservations with Anthony Bourdain, Samurai Jack, Twin Peaks, He-Man, A-Team, and every other show I watched as a child.


I've always loved reading, and I still do. I just got done reading "Moby Dick" by the incredibly bearded Herman Melville. I really want to read Lemmy's autobiography "White Line Fever". "1984" and "Animal Farm" by George Orwell are amazing. "Farenheit 451" by Ray Bradbury is another favorite. Edgar Allan Poe is amazing. H.P. Lovecraft is amazing, and scares the shit out of me. "Lord of the Flies" by William Golding is great. All of the Conan and Solomon Kane stuff by Robert E. Howard is sooooo good. Very underrated. (I will be getting to his other stuff soon) I have been reading Conan since I was 7, and they still slay. Legitimately awesome. Edgar Rice Burroughs was incredible as well. "Dune" by Frank Herbert was like reading the Bible of a far better and cooler universe, and I want to read further. I'm an English major, but I'm not ashamed to say that my tastes run towards the "pulp"-ish side of literature.
I read lots of comics too. I have thousands. And I will fight anyone who says they "aren't literature" to the death. Read "The Watchmen" (trade paperback, from DC Comics, available anywhere) - it's one of the most amazing things I have ever read.


See "I'd like to meet" section.

My Blog

In honor of Walls Of Jericho

So I went to see Walls of Jericho last night, here in O-Town at Club Boomva. It was so awesome I felt compelled to write a shitty blog about it. I've been a fan of Walls Of Jericho for quite a few yea...
Posted by Ryan Doom on Tue, 22 Aug 2006 11:35:00 PST

Superman Returns!!!!

(There are extreme spoilers about the movie located farther down in this blog. I have put up a warning, and I will also italicize them all so you wont read them if you dont want to ruin the movie. Ple...
Posted by Ryan Doom on Thu, 06 Jul 2006 04:04:00 PST

An open letter to DONNY OSMOND&&.

Dear Mr. Osmond -   Hello sir. While on vacation down in Las Vegas, my wife and I met you this last weekend. We were visiting the atrium in the Bellagio hotel, and we met you there and had our pi...
Posted by Ryan Doom on Wed, 14 Jun 2006 02:53:00 PST


I read an article the other day in a metal magazine that really kind of disturbed me. It was about the release of the upcoming solo album from Ihsahn.   For those of who dont know, Ihsahn is the...
Posted by Ryan Doom on Tue, 23 May 2006 02:13:00 PST