Fun, world issues, vids, History, board games, my cabin, and my friends cabins, Chicago, food, sports, books, sexy cute girls with brains and a good head on their shoulders.
the Dalai Lama( he is hilarious, and a very book smart and street smart cat).
yes please!
just saw Dave Chappelle Block Party....see it, especially if you are a fan of hip hop!
Movies, sports, biographies, the history channel, oh and don't forget the food network.
fav = The Gangs of New York, biography on Warren Buffetworst = "And Now Migeul" some book from school in grade five, it was painful.
My brothers and my dad! HERO doesn't even come close to explaining my mom, she is the nicest, coolest, strongest woman that you could ever meet. If she can't make you smile no one will.