Mirko Pigozzo aka Pigi
[email protected]
+39 347 0086078
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'Minimalism' describes movements in various forms of art and design, especially visual art and music, where the work is stripped down to its most fundamental features.
The term minimalism is also used to describe a trend in design and architecture wherein the subject is reduced to its necessary elements.
Minimalist design has been highly influenced by japanese traditional design and architecture.
In other fields of art, it has been used to describe the novels of ernest hemingway, the plays of Samuel Beckett, the films of Robert Bresson, the stories of raymond carver, and even the automobile designs of colin chapman.
As a specific movement in the arts it is identified with developments in post-world War II western art, most strongly with the visual arts.
The term has expanded to encompass a
it is rooted in the spare aspects of modernism, and is often associated with postmodernism and reaction against expressionism in both painting and composition.
The term 'minimalist' can also refer to anything which is spare, stripped to its essentials, or providing only the outline of structure, independent of the particular art movement, and 'minimalism' the tendency to reduce to fundamentals.
It is sometimes applied to groups or individuals practicing asceticism and the reduction of physical possessions and needs to a minimum.
Minimal goes maximal emotional.
Minimalist / Techno / Electronica
Thriller / Action
di Mirko Pigozzo / Pigi