tracylee profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

(Big smile) My favourite topic!!!...jus kidding. This is always difficult for me; describing myself i mean... To most people that know me i am a social alcoholic party girl, To my friends i am sentimental, dramatic, crazy, unashamedly funny in my rudeness. To my boyfriend i am the naughty, sometimes sweet, always cuddley Tracy. My parents if they even know me at all coz we hardly see each other even living inda same house, probably see me as the daughter that could've done more with her opportunities. My siblings see me as the out of control sister who chooses the party above everything else. Strangers see me as arrogant, self-absorbed, bitchy and i won't argue with any of these above mentioned traits coz i know they're all true. i am something and someone different to everyone....

My Interests

I'd love to be a writer (shhh, not many ppl know that). I love dancing my ass off all nite, enjoy reading psychology books

I'd like to meet:

My alter-ego/ evil twin. We could have some serious fun and do some serious damage


I don't do tv!!!!

My Blog

its only thursday????!

My frenz and i have this belief that weekend starts  on Wednesday we usually jump right in after work and start chilling at the local bar with our fave, double Spiced Gold and Cokes. An...
Posted by tracylee on Thu, 21 Dec 2006 02:19:00 PST