A.D.I.D.A.Supras profile picture


In that moment of clarity you truly see how precious life is.

About Me

Take the quiz:
What SuPeR HeRo Would You Be?

You are a little on the geeky side, but you love saving that special someone, you jump from rooftop to windows trying to save the people of your town!
Quizzes by myYearbook.com -- the World's Biggest Yearbook! Well I think anyone who is my friend knows that I'm in the Army. My goals still remain the same. I'm still putting in my packet for Warrant Officer. Maybe I might be a helicopter pilot, who knows? I'm going through a divorce right now and it hasnt been good. I have a son and hes four now. I havent seen him in over two years and I'm wondering if I ever will? I am thankful for all the friends and support that I have had over the past two years, I'm finally in a better place, hoping to always achieve more and get what I deserve out of life. I am with a very special person who has helped me to endure the trials and tribulations thus far. It has been a rough two years but I think things are getting better for me now. Although I fear there will be sacrafices in my life that may bring great sadness to me.

My Interests

I edited my profile at Freeweblayouts.net , check out these Myspace Layouts!

I'd like to meet:

No movie actors because they do nothing for me and they dont really know whats going on in the world! All the media frenzy to tell us their lives but its because they put themselves in the spot light. Anywhos, real people I like to meet are people who are down to earth and know whats happening and can appreciate it! I would also like to meet my son again someday since he is so far away from me! I dont know when I will see him again, and I hope one day to be reunited with him.


Rock: Linkin Park, Maroon 5, 311, Def Leppard, and well some othersHip Hop: Yin Yang twins, 50cent, Ludacris, Eminem, Usher, Ja Rule, and well some others


"You are Chris Knight aren't you?" "Gosh I hope so, I'm wearing his underwear!" - Real Genius


I love the Cartoon Network!


My favorite series of books from when i was a kid was the Chronicles of Narnia, those books had imagination and flare. Not quite like the Harry potter series, but just as magical and wonderful!


David from David and Goliath, that story taught me that even the smallest person can become powful with the power of God by his/her side! Also my father is my greatest Hero! I look up to him, hes a true soldier all the way. He leads a good life and even in stressful situations he manages to get through fine! Hes taught me to lean on God when times get rough!

My Blog

Gears from the Cranium

Greetings ladies and gents, and welcome back to another installment of the Cranium! Yeah its Sunday and there always things for me to do now, lol. Jessy and I have been busy trying to find her a job a...
Posted by Signal Soldier 4 LIFE on Sun, 14 Jan 2007 02:16:00 PST

Gears from I-10West

Greetings ladies and gents, and welcome to another installment of Gears from the Cranium! If you payed attention to the title you might of guessed it, LOL thats right I'm mobile on the internet right ...
Posted by Signal Soldier 4 LIFE on Sun, 31 Dec 2006 05:08:00 PST

Gears from the Cranium

Greetings boys and girls! Its late at night and I checked out my profile, well I get a new friend request, well guess what, like always, sort of like a chat room its from a girl thats not real, well p...
Posted by Signal Soldier 4 LIFE on Fri, 24 Nov 2006 12:31:00 PST

Gears from the Post Exchange

Ah, welcome back to another Gears from the Cranium! Yes its been one day since I did one, but since I'm sitting here at the Food Court at Fort Bliss awaiting a Download I thought I would give you guys...
Posted by Signal Soldier 4 LIFE on Sun, 12 Nov 2006 12:15:00 PST

Latest Blog from the Cog

Good evening everyone, I trust everyone is having a wonderful weekend! Yep I'm finally back from the field! Thank God too, because anymore days and I think I would of gone nuts. In general, going to t...
Posted by Signal Soldier 4 LIFE on Sat, 11 Nov 2006 03:55:00 PST

Gears from the Cranium

Ah, saluations and greetings everyone! I hope that everyones work week is going good! I on the other hand and becoming worn out by the everyday preperation for the field. It seems that today was our f...
Posted by Signal Soldier 4 LIFE on Thu, 26 Oct 2006 05:08:00 PST

New Blog from the Cog!

Greetings to all my peeps. This is my first blog, yeah so I guess I will fill this with the unwitting nonsense that ravels inside my cranium on the daily! So as everyone knows I'm leaving on the 23rd....
Posted by Signal Soldier 4 LIFE on Sat, 06 May 2006 06:23:00 PST