Smile like you don't want to punch someone in the face
You think YOU'RE weird? ha
easily crumbled, pulverized, or reduced to powder
I am Amazing. But you already knew that.
I love my family family includes many people NOT related to me
If you don't like halo, I like you already
I say the most amazing things at 3am
I drink warm water when I eat ice cream
John Myers is awesome
Harry Potter pwns n00bs
Apparently, Joseph hates me
Joseph is just "Jose" with a fff on the end
Sometimes, I like to listen to hip hop and shake my ass around like a hoochie
I've told you entirely too much
If I could convince myself that I was badass;
I'd be unstoppable.
I love school. When I'm not in it.
When I am, entirely different story
Queen of Hearts
I (heart) Zelda
I HATE chocolate milk
My favorite candy is Starbursts
Boobs are boobs.
?~Becki Alyce~?