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Myspace Layouts - Myspace Editor - Image Hosting
to sing, to dance, to laugh, parrddyyy babbyyy, to enjoy time with my friends ... ;)
Jis forJoyous
Eis forExtraordinary
Nis forNaughty
I'd like to meet guys who have a lot of humour and a good character .. It's important that they have something special -- lyk me ;)Special "greetz" to g3niuz !! - friends & I teaching a filipino guy ( Bdek ) to pronounce " VOLLIDIOT" .. check dis out :DMy fav kid at the badminton court in Phils ! Damn cute ;)Check dis out ! .. FETT BEAT IMPERIUM !!
Vollversion - Auch Playboys müssen chillen (Werbevideo)
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most of the time R'n'b, Hip Hop, Soul, Black, Gospel .. sometimes Chillout, Electro !!!!CHECK DIS OUT - KLARKOMM SNIPPET .. mehr @ & HUNDEZWINGER INTERVIEW .. STEIGNER AKA SARGENT KLARKOMM & TBURNA !!!!!!..Achtung Kinder gebt fein Acht, Onkel Klarkomm hat was mitgebracht!!!Steigner aka Sargent Klarkomm - Verbrannte Erde !
Name: jen
Birthdate: 25th dec
Birthplace: OB -Town
Current Location: SAB
Eye Color: brown
Hair Color: brown wid highlights
Height: 1,70 m
Weight: 2 much ^^
Piercings: 2 - tongue & upper lip
Tatoos: 2 - ankle & wazoo ^^
Boyfriend/Girlfriend: nope ..
Overused Phraze: WTF ?
Food: ofcoz filipino & chinese food =)
Candy: yogurtgums
Number: 7
Color: green
Animal: cat
Drink: green tea
Alcohol Drink: mango daiquiri
Bagel: dunno'
Letter: WTF ?
Body Part on Opposite sex: de whole package ;)
This or That
Pepsi or Coke: sprite ^^
McDonalds or BurgerKing: none of dem ..
Strawberry or Watermelon: watermelon
Hot tea or Ice tea: dnt care as long its tea ^^
Chocolate or Vanilla Vanilla
Hot Chocolate or Coffee: Coffee for life -.-
Kiss or Hug: both bitch ;)
Dog or Cat: cat
Rap or Punk: rap
Summer or Winter: WTF ? summer ^^
Scary Movies or Funny Movies: luv scary movies
Love or Money: boooth ;)
Bedtime: who de f*** needs sleep ??
Most Missed Memory: damn, a lot ..
Best phyiscal feature: eyes & lips .. i think ^^
First Thought Waking Up: what happened last n8 ? :D
Goal for this year: i dunno
Best Friends: passed away .. memories will keep ya :)
Weakness: 2 say no -.-
Fears: secret ^^
Heritage: WTF
Longest relationship: 2 n' a half years
Ever Drank: yaps
Ever Smoked: yaps
Pot: öhm .. yups
Ever been Drunk: what a quest ^^ sure ..
Ever been beaten up: ohh yeahh ..
Ever beaten someone up: maybe :D
Ever Shoplifted:
Ever Skinny Dipped:
Ever Kissed Opposite sex: ofcoz *hrhr
Been Dumped Lately:
Favorite Eye Color: brown / green
Favorite Hair Color: dnt care
Short or Long: .. depends !
Height: taller than me ;)
Style: fashion-conscious ^^
Looks or Personality: first "look" than "personality ..
Hot or Cute both .. ;)
Drugs and Alcohol: WTF ?
Muscular or Really Skinny:
Number of Regrets in the Past: uhh already ousted ^^
What country do you want to Visit: honolulu, hawaii
How do you want to Die: WTF ?
Been to the Mall Lately:
Do you like Thunderstorms: wat a quest ..
Get along with your Parents: yups
Health Freak: kinda' :)
Do you think your Attractive: i hope so ^^
Believe in Yourself: depends
Want to go to College: sure ..
Do you Smoke: yups
Do you Drink: yups
Shower Daily: ofcoz .. sometimes twice a day ;)
Been in Love: ohh yeahh ..
Do you Sing: yups .. i'm a singer :D
Want to get Married: someday ..
Do you want Children: yaps :)
Have your future kids names planned out: OMG .. not yet !
Age you wanna lose your Virginity: muahaha .. wat a quest ^^
Hate anyone: