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About Me

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The band was formed in 2001 and started out as a band playing mostly covers. After a while the covers started to feel a bit tedious, so the band started making some own material. The style of the first songs were a combination of rather slow death/black metal and heavy metal. As the technical skills of the band increased the style evolved into thrash metal with harsh vocals and by that time the first demo, Evil Intentions, was released in 2003. At the same time there were many try-outs for a fourth member, but none of them remained permanent. After this demo the band also started experimenting a bit with different styles, however the style remained roughly the same and a new demo, Preech until they bleed, was recorded in 2004.
The band found their fourth member in may 2005 and later on in that year they also changed the singer and the style of singing and with this line-up the band recorded the demo Embraced By Pain in the spring of 2006. After a while the work on the next demo, Face of Evil, began and that demo was released in the beginning of 2007. As new songs came to life during spring/summer of 2007 the band decided to have them recorded and this resulted in yet another demo, Enter Silence, that was released in february 2008.

My Interests


Member Since: 21/11/2006
Band Website:
Band Members: Jimmy Bäck (guitars)
Guy Vikman (drums)
Fredrik Vikman (vocals, bass guitar)
Christoffer Alvik (guitars)
Influences: Slayer, Kreator, Annihilator, Judas Priest...
Sounds Like:
Record Label: Unsigned

My Blog

Satorium Live@Semifinal, Helsinki (link to photos)
Posted by on Mon, 10 Mar 2008 04:03:00 GMT