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Remember, all these little things you post about your personality and interests are market research for my space to sell to other companies for profit. yay!
Already met him. Check out the music of Last Halo! Click on his icon under my "friends" section. It is my boyfriend, Damian's music and I think you will enjoy it :) Also, check out some of my photography in my pics section as well as the art of other FireHalo past participants. Let me know if you need any band photos, portraits, head shots, photos of art work, etc. Damian does audio engineering, mixing, mastering, recording, digital video shooting and editing, film scoring, etc, as well as plays guitar, bass, drums, makes beats, sings, spits, etc. Let us know if you need anything. We can work something out I'm sure. PeAcE
"(Hey, I haven't seen you around in a while....) I didn't go to work for a month. I didn't leave my bed for eight days straight. I haven't hung out with anyone. If I did, I'd have nothing to say. I didn't feel angry or depressed. I didn't feel anything at all. I didn't want to go to bed, And I didn't want to stay up late. When you're living your life, well, that's the price you pay. Whenever I breath out, you're breathing it in. Whenever I speak out, you'll take it all in. Whenever I breath out, you're breathing it in. Whenever I speak out, you'll take it all in. Now I'm feeling this positive/negative. I didn't go to work for a month. I didn't leave my bed for eight days straight. I haven't hung out with anyone. If I did, I'd have nothing to say." (Modest Mouse)
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I'm Welsh so this is hilarious to me. My friend Morgan made this and it's nice. I like how it makes me feel when I waitch it.
Books are good
Big giant corporations that use child labor and slave wages, who sway you with low prices because the very fabric of survival dangles in front of us, all tied up in money. If we have no money, we starve. If we have no money, and we need money, we have to work ourselves to exhaustion just to feed ourselves and maybe occasionally do something fun, something that sparks that whole "will to live" thing so that we have enough energy to go back to work for big corporations again on monday... or after the week they kindly designated we can have off to take a vacation... A vacation that will turn out to be months of salaries. And what do we tend to do, go on vacation somewhere and pump out our money to more corporations because they fulfill our fantasies and make us feel like we are worth something to this world. This is just part of the reasons why.... I love big giant evil corporations! And they love us poorfolk, too!