Exercising, The Biggest Loser, swimming, Oceans, Guy Fawkes, Anit-Hero skateboarding team, WWII the magazine, catching waves and rays,
the 1986 or 1987 Cleveland Browns the 1995 Cleveland Indians
Bane, Stan Getz, Bruce Springsteen, Ignite, Jethro Tull, Dinosaur Jr., The Meat Puppets, DI, RHCP
The Stoned Age, Nothing but Trouble, Reds, Enemy at the Gates, Life, Oh Brother Where art thou?, Hotel Rwanda, the Jerk
Tony Bourdain Flip that House House Hunters Jeopardy The Hills Freaks and Geeks
Ivanhoe Robinson Crusoe Road to Wiggan Peer The Fall of Yugoslavia On the Other Side George Orwell's Essays A Farewell to Arms
Peter Hewitt McShred Tony Bourdain