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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

I just graduated from good ole Youngstown State University with a Bachelors of Science degree. I now live in Jacksonville, Florida and work for a company in town that performs Geotechnical Engineering and Construction Materials Testing as a staff level Geotechnical Engineer. I passed the F.E. exam on my first sitting. Now that I have some more free time I'd like to start running some more and exercising, since my time has been limited. I might even get back into skating since there will be one gnarly park called Kona in my side of town. I think I'll start reading some more books, and buy a Civil War calender, or even attend a Civil War reenactment; the Battle of Olustee is reenacted every February in Northeast Florida. I might do some surfing since I'll be living about 20 minutes from the Atlantic Ocean, but then again I have a pretty bad fear of getting attacked by sharks, although the couple of times I have surfed it didn't happen. My girlfriend Emily, and I want to go on vacation to California in the next year or so. Also at the top of our list is England, Italy, Savannah, GA., Seaside, Fl., and the Florida Keys.

My Interests

Exercising, The Biggest Loser, swimming, Oceans, Guy Fawkes, Anit-Hero skateboarding team, WWII the magazine, catching waves and rays,

I'd like to meet:

the 1986 or 1987 Cleveland Browns the 1995 Cleveland Indians


Bane, Stan Getz, Bruce Springsteen, Ignite, Jethro Tull, Dinosaur Jr., The Meat Puppets, DI, RHCP


The Stoned Age, Nothing but Trouble, Reds, Enemy at the Gates, Life, Oh Brother Where art thou?, Hotel Rwanda, the Jerk


Tony Bourdain Flip that House House Hunters Jeopardy The Hills Freaks and Geeks


Ivanhoe Robinson Crusoe Road to Wiggan Peer The Fall of Yugoslavia On the Other Side George Orwell's Essays A Farewell to Arms


Peter Hewitt McShred Tony Bourdain