art drawing-statue music and ensturmans(especial guitar) fantasy books and FRP mithology animal-nature to ride of horse model plane nargile(nargil-water pipe) decoration philosophy physics anventure sports(like a camp in a forest) photography katana (aikido-iaido) history special; middle age europan history, near age history antique.. and the lot of thing...
special clasical music and metal and gothic sound. of this out side blues, jazz, rock'n roll, oldiest pop, and soundtracks. for example: haggard(especial haggard my best band) therion pentagram gregorian blind guardian epica led zeppelin lorenna mckennit celtic melodies(my especial enjoyment) john williams(especial: star wars soundtrack, the last of mohicans) apocalyptica metallica dark tranquillity moonspell orphaned land blackmore's night jerry lee levis dargaard estatic fear simon and garfunkel scorpions era enigma mayhem dimmu borgir some soundtracks besides i like folk songs and epic sounds.
kingdom of heaven bravehearth star wars lord of the rings babam ve oglum E.T. the last samurai queen of the damned frida mustafa hakkinda her sey kurtulus hero tiger and dragon matrix van helsing the passion back the future tim burton films and lots of films...
E.R. (emergency room), angel-buffy the vampire slayer, (once) simsons, çemberimde gül oya,(at one time...) ...
too many to write down but if i do sample: lord of the rings, silmarilion, dragon lance, death gate, bir dinazorun anilari, forgotten realms, (especial the dark elves serial), gilgamesh, story of art, philosophy in bedroom, sanatin anlatimi, sanatin öyküsü, sanatta degismeyen plastik degerler and lots of books...
M. Kemal Atatürk