ALIVE: Id Like to Meet Fiona Apple. Daniel Johns(SilverChair)DEAD: Bette Davis, Nina Simone, Billie Holiday
Fiona Apple is absolutely the most inspiring musician to me. Her voice is so Beautiful. Daniel Johns was one of the reasons I picked Up the Guitar.(I was also grounded for 6 months! My mom was pretty harsh. Every 15 mins i was late was a MONTH of grounding! yikes! so I had to do something! My dad gave me a guitar for christmas, I had a silverchair tab book. And I FUCKING mastered guitar! haha:) His voice is spectacular as well. Xavier Rudd, well... I saw him play the didge... and that was it... When I bought It I didnt believe there was any way I could play it! But, I did... so thats sweet. Now its on to master the Trombone for some more SKALIOUS SOUNDS! and of course... NINA simone, Billie Holiday & all that jazz.
Bette Davis films I find are the only ones I truely enjoy! I wish I could be such a bitch! I love the catty lines! heres one: Id love to kiss ya, But I just washed my hair... BYE! meow! Mildred peirce was the first classic film I ever watched. AMAZING! Basically, I love the authentic and older films. No computers... BOO! hehe
Dont get alot of time to watch TV.
I hate to sound Like Oprah... But Maya Angelou has some absolutely beautiful poetry!
The Beautiful and Irreplacable. MRS. CAROLYN WARD. I wake up knowing shes Always there for me. And I wake up wanting to be as SMART and BEAUTFUL and STRONG like Her. There..s No one like this woman. Shes the Best.