carlitos30.teacher of salsa profile picture

carlitos30.teacher of salsa

Carlitos.. I look for some candian friends ?????.i live in vancouver

About Me

I am Mexican,30 years old.brown clear, black hair.I am very romantic, retailer, I like the sport a lot.I live in vancouver and victoria b,c.I would like to know a woman and to have a beautiful relationship, etc

My Interests

to have a good friendship with different type of people. to be able to learn but of the life, day by day, to LEARN ENGLISH. to have more work and to overcome me in all the aspects

I'd like to meet:

I feel alone I have 2 years old in canada.I don't have many friends, in fact alone 6 and they are Mexican. I would like to have somebody with the one who to chat, to go of be able to go to the cinema. to be able to hug, to listen, I like to listen people, I am Mexican and as Latin I like a lot to love of one expecial person. ___________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ Cómo llenarte, soledad .. .. .. Cómo llenarte, soledad, sino contigo misma... .. De niño, entre las pobres guaridas de la tierra, quieto en ángulo oscuro, buscaba en ti, encendida guirnalda, mis auroras futuras y furtivos nocturnos, y en ti los vislumbraba, naturales y exactos, también libres y fieles, a semejanza mía, a semejanza tuya, eterna soledad. ... Me perdí luego por la tierra injusta como quien busca amigos o ignorados amantes; diverso con el mundo, fui luz serena y anhelo desbocado, y en la lluvia sombría o en el sol evidente quería una verdad que a ti te traicionase, olvidando en mi afán cómo las alas fugitivas su propia nube crean. ... Y al velarse a mis ojos con nubes sobre nubes de otoño desbordado la luz de aquellos días en ti misma entrevistos, te negué por bien poco; por menudos amores ni ciertos ni fingidos, por quietas amistades de sillón y de gesto, por un nombre de reducida cola en un mundo fantasma, por los viejos placeres prohibidos como los permitidos nauseabundos, útiles solamente para el elegante salón susurrado, en bocas de mentira y palabras de hielo. ... Por ti me encuentro ahora el eco de la antigua persona que yo fui, que yo mismo manché con aquellas juveniles traiciones; por ti me encuentro ahora, constelados hallazgos, limpios de otro deseo, el sol, mi dios, la noche rumorosa, la lluvia, intimidad de siempre, el bosque y su alentar pagano, el mar, el mar como su nombre hermoso; y sobre todo ellos, cuerpo oscuro y esbelto, te encuentro a ti, tú, soledad tan mía, y tú me das fuerza y debilidad como el ave cansada los brazos de la piedra. ... Acodado al balcón miro insaciable el oleaje, oigo sus oscuras imprecaciones, contemplo sus blancas caricias; y erguido desde cuna vigilante soy en la noche un diamante que gira advirtiendo a los hombres, por quienes vivo, aún cuando no los vea; y así, lejos de ellos, ya olvidados sus nombres, los amo en muchedumbres, roncas y violentas como el mar, mi morada, puras ante la espera de una revolución ardiente o rendidas y dóciles, como el mar sabe serlo cuando toca la hora de reposo que su fuerza conquista. ... Tú, verdad solitaria, transparente pasión, mi soledad de siempre, eres inmenso abrazo; el sol, el mar, la oscuridad, la estepa, el hombre y su deseo, la airada muchedumbre, ¿qué son sino tú misma? ... Por ti, mi soledad, los busqué un día; en ti, mi soledad, los amo ahora. ... ... ... ... Poemas de Luis Cernuda ... Poemas del Alma ... ... ... ...______________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ How to be filled, solitude ... ... How to be filled, solitude, but with yourself... ... Of boy, among the poor dens of the earth, still in dark angle, it looked for in you, lit garland, my dawns future and stealthy nocturne, and in you it glimpsed them, natural and exact, also free and faithful, to my likeness, to your likeness, eternal solitude. ... I got lost then for the unjust earth as who looks for friends or unknown lovers; diverse with the world, I was serene light and I yearn bolted, and in the somber rain or in the evident sun he/she wanted a truth that betrays you, forgetting in my desire how the fugitive wings their own cloud believes. ... And when being veiled to my eyes with clouds it has more than enough clouds of overflowed autumn the light of those days in yourself glimpse, I denied you for very little; for small loves neither certain neither fake, for still armchair friendships and of expression, for a name of reduced line in a world ghost, for the old forbidden pleasures as those allowed nauseous, useful only for the elegant whispered living room, in lie mouths and words of ice. For you I am now the old person's echo that I was, that myself stained with those juvenile betrayals; for you I am now, clean of another desire, the sun, my god, the rain, always intimidate, the forest and their to encourage pagan, the sea, the sea like their beautiful name; and mainly them, dark and slender body, I find you, you, solitude so mine, and you give me force and weakness as the tired bird the arms of the stone. ... Bent to the balcony I look insatiable the surf, I hear their dark curses, I contemplate their white caresses; and erect from vigilant cradle I am in the night a diamond that rotates noticing to the men, for who live, still when he/she doesn't see them; and this way, far from them, already forgotten their names, the master in crowds, hoarse and you force as the sea, my habitation, pure before the wait of a burning revolution or fatigued and docile, as the sea he/she knows how to be it when he/she plays the hour of rest that their force conquers. ... You, solitary truth, always reveal passion, my solitude, you are immense hug; the sun, the sea, the darkness, the steppe, the man and their desire, the angry crowd, what are they but yourself? ... For you, my solitude, I looked for them one day; in you, my solitude, the master now. ... ... ... ... Poems of Luis Cernuda ... Poems of the Alma ... ... ... ...


I like all music type but .I like to dance salsa , cumbia.Latin music, in vancouver i now a very good place to dance, but not in victory


romantic, action, not much of terror


not too much




MI PARENTS for that they gave me the life, gave me education and thanks to them I am here