*i LAV mah parents&sis&bro.mah niece (eventhou they can be retarded at tim3s)
*i lav mah LIFE
*i fight 4 wat i believe is RIGHT
*i'm a GOD-FEARING person
*i'm a hopeless romantic
*i lav 2 lav and 2 be lav
*i lav black and white
*i hate self-centered, back-stabbers!!!
*lavs SWEET pipol
*i usually n33d mah space when i sleep, but i don't like sleeping alone
*i can help but CRY!!!! when i s33 an animal HURT, a child being yilled at or teased, or when SOMEONE i care about is hurting
*i lav 2 read books (reading makes you S.M.A.R.T)
*willing to TRY anything new
*i olweyz do wat ev3r makes me HAPI
*i expect to be tr3ated w/RESPECT (knowing that i'm not perpect @ times)
*i lav gud conversation over BEERS or ASSSS CREAM (lol)
*MUSIC is mah fashion (can live w/out listening 2 mah favorite bands everyday)
*i learn 2 clean up mah own MESS coz others won't do it 4 me
*regarding to lav i learn how to FORGIVE and 2 FORGET, even it hurts me so bad, i know i can go on w/mah life, dats why lav olweyz give me d oppurtunity 2 be a BETTER person
*i consider myself as a very PRIVATE person
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