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I am here for Friends

About Me

I am 36 years old......I am married 4 the second time....I have 4 gorgeous children.....My nine year old has Down Syndrome....I don't like 2 think of it as is more like the ups...because when we are down and out he brings us up...He keeps a smile on his face and tells u everything is ok...Whatever the doctors say about him, he proves them wrong...That's my baby and My lil preacher ..My two year old is the genius of the family ....he is going 2 discover the cure 4 cancer..that is mama's stinker fifteen year old is going 2 be a nurse.....she nurtures everyone in the house...including thirteen year old is my... lady Michael Jordan.....she is going 2 be my Pro-basketball out cheryl swoopes....Whatever my children decide 2 do in life I know God will get the glory.... well about me...I love 2 laugh and make others laugh...I love 2 spend time with my family...above all things... I love 2 worship the Lord....Jesus is the lifter of my head.....He has truly never failed in my life....BECAUSE JESUS NEVER FAILS.....Well God isn't through with me yet ....but I know I am coming out of every situation as pure Gold...MANY ARE CALLED ...BUT FEW ARE CHOSEN!!!!

My Interests

Myspace Layouts at / Anointed with doves

I'd like to meet:

Jesus @ the appointed time, T.D. Jakes, Joyce Meyers, Kirk Franklin, Fred Hammond, Juanita Bynum, Other Parents that have children with Down Syndrome, Oprah Winfrey, Anointed Women and Men of God...Tyler Perry


I listen 2 Gospel Music...I love 2 worship and praise our Heavenly Father....He is Awesome


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I love 2 look @ TBN, reality T.V. shows, and anything that makes me laugh...


I love 2 read the bible and inspirational books...


My hero is Jesus Christ ....because he died so I could have the gift of life...My wonderfully made hero is my son Johnny...even though he was diagnosed with Down Syndrome ....he is more than a conqueror through Christ Jesus( Jesus is just going 2 get glory out of his life)