*Gummy?Bear* profile picture


I finally found *HiM*

About Me

I found this layout design on PureLayouts.com - check out their MySpace Layouts .

This layout is from whateverlife.com!

ºTha name is Crystal ºI'll b 18 pretty soon ºI have the best boyfriend n the world ºBeen with him 4 a few mos. ºHis name is pablo ºI luv him to deathne thing else send me a message

My Interests

..::I Am::..

..::I DON'T lIkE::..
pEOplE whO thInk thEy r bEttEr thAn U.
pEOpleE hAvIn' tOO mUch sElf-cOnfIdEncE.
pEOplE thAt wEAr tOO mUch mAkE-Up.

..::I DO lIkE::..
pEOplE whO stAnd Up fOr whO thEy ArE.
pEOplE stAndIn' Up 4 whAt thEy bElIEvE n.
pEOplE whO lEAd thE crOwd.
rAndOm pEOplE [lOl].
pEOplE whO dO nE thIng fOr A gOOd tYm.

InsUltz dOn't hUrt mY fEElIngz-thEy ActUAllY mAkE mE lAUgh.
If yOu dOn't lIkE mE fInE-dOn't tAlk tO mE.
If U dOn't lIkE thE thIngz I dO Or sAy, thEn dOn't lOOk Or lIstEn!
dOn't gEt On mY bAd sIdE~I'm 1 psYchO gIrl
U'll nEvEr knOw whAt I'm Up tO!

..::I lIkE::..
+nIIcE smEllz
~tAkIn' pIcz
+bEIn' gOOfY
+hAvIn fUn!

Get a scroll Box

I'd like to meet:

..::..Ne1 funn to talk teww..::.. hEY gUmmY bEAr!


.:A lIl bIt Of It All:.

Your Taste in Music:
Adult Alternative: Highest Influence
Country: Highest Influence
R&B: Highest Influence
90's Pop: High Influence
90's Rock: High Influence How's Your Taste in Music?


All kIndz Of rOmAncEz & COmEdIEz...wEll...All thE chIck flIckz tEw! lOl.


i dOnt rEAllY lIkE 2 wAtch tElEvIsIOn


tOO cOOl fOr bOOkz! hAhA~nAh~I jUst dOn't rEAd.


!GOD! mY mOmmY mY frIEndz & mY nEphEwz!

My Blog


BITCHOLOGY : When I stand up for myself and my beliefs, they call me a bitch . When I stand up for those I love, they call me a bitch . When I speak my mind, think my own thoughts or do things my own ...
Posted by *GummyeBear* on Tue, 12 Dec 2006 08:41:00 PST