I'd like to meet:
Well rounded, open-minded, energetic, enthusiastic, motivated individuals who are willing to enjoy life and not just let it pass by idly! People who want to learn and grow so they can more fully understand themselves and others. I would enjoy meeting new people who can share the same vigor and love for life that I have!
Too many to name and so few to speak of... The basics are there...
Se7en, Princess Bride, Sleeping Beauty, Willow, The Last Unicorn, Pulp Fiction, Kill Bill I and II, Fight Club, etc, etc, etc.... I like the psychological forensic thrillers.
Family Guy, Beavis and Butthead, Nip/Tuck, Six Feet Under, Law and Order, Crossing Jordan, etc...
I have read the typical popular thrillers i.e. Da Vinci Code, The Body Farm, It, Frankenstein .... The usual exciting forensic, horror and/or historical thinker. I also find Non-Fiction works on things like murder investigations, taboo findings in history...