UNDISCOVERED POETS profile picture


speak of the devil out now!!!!!!

About Me

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Undiscovered PoetsThe Undiscovered Poets are that distinct group of emcees and producers you keep hearing so much about. And, once you hear them for the first time, you find your self spreading the word on how good their music is. Theyre that group you show a lot of respect to, because you know exactly where they are headed to: the top!Packed behind mind stretching lyrics and hard hitting beats, the Undiscovered Poets are a group of highly versatile artist - Dean, Philli Millz, DumGuy, Misfit, and Kono. Together they present you with a style of diverse and fuck you hip-hop.It all got started after both Dean and Philli Millz had spent countless hours documenting their deepest and most personal thoughts down on paper. Of course, neither of them new about the others personal writings, until one day they both decided to share their work with the other. After that, the two began writing songs together as a group they havent stopped since. Becoming more serious about wanting to record their own music, they decided to call themselves the Undiscovered Poets.The Undiscovered Poets began to earn recognition as artists in their hometown of the Coachella Valley. Philli Millz gained a strong reputation as a dynamic battle rap emcee as he constantly out shinned anyone willing to step up and challenge him. A side from his strong free-styling ability, he also received a lot of respect for his emotionally cold writing style. Dean aka Jack Patron did his freestyling too but had no time to attend house partys and began chasing his dream, and got his cretability on the streets and walls under a different allias that we cant discuss due to illegal purposes., earned most of his reputation as a straight hip-hop emcee that was influenced by all aspects of the culture that gave birth to this genre.Around the same time that Dean and Philli Millz were getting started, DumGuy and Misfit were off doing their own thing experimenting with instrumentals DumGuy on the keyboard, and Misfit on the drums. Both progressed strongly as producers, taking on the name of Mind Dwellers. Mastering the now popular beat making program Fruity Loops, and learning how to sample, DumGuy began to exploit to everyone his unique producing talents smooth, yet hard hitting beats in which you can feel the mood. Misfit, whose producing style is very different from DumGuy, brings you dark, looming beats that also have a lot of kick in them. But, where as DumGuy earned his credit through producing, Misfit became more known as an emotional emcee whose lyrics reflected the same style that his beats presented.Being good friends with Dean and Philli Mills, both DumGuy and Misfit began collaborating with the Poets on numerous songs. Convinced that they formed a good tandem together, DumGuy and Misfit both became members of the Undiscovered Poets crew.As a four man crew, the Undiscovered Poets all moved up to Riverside, where they began to work on their first album as a group. However, the group didnt spend much time out there, as they all moved back home within a short period of time. Once they got back they put the finishing touches on their album Feed Back LP, which they unofficially released in January of 2003.Influenced by his love for music, Kono, the younger brother of DumGuy, was quietly jotting down his own thoughts and writing poems down in a note book, while the Undiscovered Poets were busy putting together Feed Back LP. Later, his writings were discovered by DumGuy and Philli Mills. They heard his rip you up style, as well as his ability to tone it down a bit if he wants, and decided to give him a shot, making him the fifth member of the Undiscovered Poets.Already working on a second album, Kono was immediately inserted into the mix of things, and what followed was an album that displayed their abilities as very talented artists Raizor Wrist for Porno Music, which was also released unofficially.On July 29th, 2005, the group released their first official album, Undiscovered Poets EP, by far their best work to date, which was released under their new independent label Sonata Orchestration (www.sonataorchestration.com).The sun is no where near close to setting on this group; the Undiscovered Poets are for real and are here to stay!- Adan Vasquez, August 28th, 2005 Click here to view a bigger version of my map!
You can also make your own, it's free!Phillie Mills Speak of the Devil $10Jack Patron Led Mouth $8

Undiscovered Poets EP $8



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Member Since: 4/9/2005
Band Website: UndiscoveredPoets.com
Band Members:

DumGuy, Misfit, Jack Patron, Kono, Phillie Mills

Influences: Everything, all types
Sounds Like:

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Record Label: www.SonataOrchestration.com
Type of Label: Indie