monkeybeef profile picture


You want the beef ?? YOU CANT HANDLE THE BEEF !!!!

About Me

Monkeybeef is an ongoing mission to prove that talent and musical ability are not really necessary if all you want to be is a hard rocking bastard. Using ten chords I plan to conquer the world of rock, writing songs using about as much effort as most people use to make toast. However bad it gets, at least its not Goth ..!

My Interests


Member Since: 11/19/2006
Band Website: info coming soon
Band Members: Monkeybeef is Daves shite efforts, with occasional contributions from P ( better guitarist, uses whiskey as fuel ) and Mr Wuh ( sent me a CD of drum loops, also handy at guitar )
Influences: Tenacious D, Chili Peppers, Audioslave, Wolfmother, Foo Fighters, Emo music ( we can all learn from THAT fucking mistake ) Reef, The Answer, The Stone Roses, Nine Inch Nails, DJ Shadow, Various Funk and Blues types who's names I cant remember, Jimi Hendrix, Old Skool Dance Music , Arctic Monkeys (no relation-I thought of Monkeybeef before I'd heard of them) and too many more to list.....Not influenced by all those singer/songwriters who keep popping up with their similar bland ballads that make me want to climb into my own head and disconnect my ears from my brain ( though some would say I already did ), oh and Coldplay- I don't understand what its for, you can't dance to it , mosh to it, or even sing along to it once your balls have dropped ! I suppose if you had the opportunity you cold throw a Coldplay CD at James Blunt and decapitate him !!! A man can dream.....
Sounds Like: Under rehearsed-Under produced-Lo-Fi-no class-balls out carnage-with a nice melody every now and then.....And singing like a wailing bag of cats hitting a wall.Probably the musical equivalent of a car crash....!
Record Label: PullMyFinger
Type of Label: None

My Blog

New Bass...!

The wife got me a new bass for chrimbo- it has no dead notes and doesn't buzz when I plug it in ! It even came in a gig bag so I no longer have to carry guitars around in bath towels ! I may even rec...
Posted by monkeybeef on Fri, 28 Dec 2007 11:00:00 PST

Anybody want to see us live ??

We are currently planning to start gigging round Hull early next year, probably doing a bit of Monkeybeef, a lot of Jangly Brothers, and loads of improv blues/funk/noise, does anyone out there have an...
Posted by monkeybeef on Sat, 24 Nov 2007 04:49:00 PST


Went to Blackies last night for a bit of insane drunk kareoke and found to my horror that its under new ownership- and full of Tracksuits !!! Fortunately they had a lot of new songs, including Sir Psy...
Posted by monkeybeef on Mon, 19 Nov 2007 07:47:00 PST

No idea.....

Lots of people seem to be reading my blogs, even though it is just rambling bollocks ! I dont know who you people are, but its ok with me- would it kill you to leave a comment or two though ? With my ...
Posted by monkeybeef on Wed, 14 Nov 2007 05:57:00 PST

The Mission...

Well the masterplan is going well, regular jams with P and Tom, and an insane jam with Super Long Nose Goblin ! Still no singer though- if anyone out there is local and mental enough get in touch- Ass...
Posted by monkeybeef on Fri, 09 Nov 2007 11:43:00 PST

Bleeding from my ears....

Had an awesome jam last night with P and Tom ( drummer ). Amps didn't quite go up to 11, ( have to write it on with a pen next time ) but definitely loud enough to cause brain damage. If anyone from H...
Posted by monkeybeef on Sun, 23 Sep 2007 04:27:00 PST

Almost a band...

I have pulled my finger out of my arse and am attempting to get some shit together with other people. Mr P will hopefully become a regular collaberator, and Beckie keeps promising to sing on a couple ...
Posted by monkeybeef on Sat, 07 Jul 2007 09:17:00 PST

I need a drummer....

....and a singer. A keyboard player would be nice. Possibly a brass section too- ooh, and some strings !! Ah fuck it, I'll just have a beer...!
Posted by monkeybeef on Fri, 22 Jun 2007 06:02:00 PST

Kareoke Killers

Maaaad night last night. Kareoke in pub with Mr P and Mr Wuh from SuperLongNoseGoblin, and also Beckie, Andrea, and Katie. We were all very pissed, I nearly got in 2 fights (not my fault, but pretty f...
Posted by monkeybeef on Mon, 23 Apr 2007 02:06:00 PST

Gravity is not your enemy

Man that was fun !! I got to go first and everything ( and didn't throw up the meal I ate 10 minutes before ) . What was even cooler though was going up with my daughter afterwards for a cage ride. Sh...
Posted by monkeybeef on Mon, 09 Apr 2007 11:50:00 PST