i like doing things out of the ordinary like sky diving bungy jumping and anything with a little bit of an adrenalin rush. i love learning new things. Every day is a learning experience!
kate Nash, lisa lashes, John Butler, Xavier Rudd,Lilly Allan, Ben Harper, Butterfingers, Missy Higgins, brooke fraser,led zepplin, jimmy hendrix, pink floyd, Bob Dylan, Korn, Christine Aguilera, The Black eyed peas, Tracey Chapman, Wolfmother, Pink, Christine Anu,madonna, macy gray, mid night oil, sum 41,greenday, missy elliot, rem, nelly furtado, neo, and the list goes on and on...
Ben Harper - Sexual Healing
ben harper is so awsome!!! Just another great and wonderful thing harros introduced me 2!!! mwa
how to lose a guy in ten days, alice in wonderland, batwoman, ten things i hate about you...and the list goes on Pretty much anything...i love scary movies but not gory ones
Rove, simpsons, medium, hamish and andy's real stories, playschool lol,V, summer heights high, underbelly, pirates, crime shows, south park ...
Dian cilento, Billy Thorpe, John Marsden books, anything with some depth...true stories.
My mum and dad, my little brother and sister=Nay nay and little Bullfrog. My boyfriend Harro because he ia all i could ever ask for and more thanks Harro! luv ya...
My pop-he's my shining star. John Buttler trio, Deborah Malemen,Nelson Mandeller,Martin Luther King... A hero is not a super powered person taking on the world, its someone who is proud to stand up and make a difference and give a helping hand when they can. Heroes are every day people. A HERO IS ANYONE WHO THINKS OF SOMEONE ELSE BEFORE THEMSELVES!!! THERE ARE 3 TYPES OF PEOPLE IN THE WORLD...THOSE THAT MAKE THINGS HAPPEN, THOSE THAT WATCH THINGS HAPPEN AND THOSE WHO WONDER WHAT HAPPEND :-)
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