rugby, aussie rules, outdoor adventures, i kinda like to knit (sad but true)...
ummmm.... i've always wanted to meet Ellen oh and maybe the cast of Hairspray....
depends on my mood.... i really like the oldies, like that song shake ya ass watch yourself.... Oh and I'm a BIG COUNTRY FAN!!! little jann ardon maybe? Norah Jones? Jewel perhaps.... man i like everything, except heavy metal
oh man I love me movies, ummmm fave right now HAIRSPRAY!!! OMG superbad!!! SOOOO GOOD!!! Some basic classics, animal house, elf, superstar, the list is endless .... I was obsessed with mean girls for awhile when I went through my Lohan fan craz phase...
man dont get me started on my shows.... save by the bell is still my fave though
My poppa!!!!! :)