cold beer on hot days water skiing stock car racing when the piece of shit is running rite drag racin when the dick who drives that hasnt broke that aswell ha ha tattoos lots of tattoos ..they dont hurt at all ask anybody thats watched me get 1 they said they didnt feel a thing ......ha ha ....just 4 fun i had work done on both arms at the same time by 2 different tattooists just 2 see what that felt like still fuckin hurt...................OWNING AS MANY NIGHT CLUBS AS POSSIBLE
ppl who know how to party there ass off
my 1st love.........................i love it all depends on my the club....gotta be the car on the way home from work................chillout 4 sure
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mad max days of thunder meet joe black xxx constantine matrix my life like that or what.......THE MAKING OF GLACIER NIGHT CLUBS AUSTRALIA..........LUVZIT
.................GO TO A NIGHT CLUB IN FRANKSTON..............screw tv
they go in libaries yea................HA HA HA BUISINESS BRW MAGAZINE
sir edmond dad.......and people who are 2 buitifull childeren...who have stuck by me as ive battled threw my life