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Broken Bridge Brigade

A Newsletter for Prisoners (and Friends & Family)

About Me

Welcome to the the Broken Bridge Brigade Myspace page. You may have heard of this new newsletter through message boards, myspace bulletins or through friends. If you are not aware of what this newsletter is or what is about please read on...
The Broken Bridge Brigade is a newsletter intended for inmates, their family and friends and supporters. People have asked what makes this newsletter any different than other newsletters out there. There are several newsletters for prisoners and I'm sure we all have the same goal. This newsletter has been created with the collaboration of a few inmates in Arkansas that wanted to something a little different. So The Broken Bridge Brigade was born. You will find that all content is submitted by people who have been affected by the system or have knowledge of current events of laws affecting prisoners. We also provide resources for prisoners from where to go for legal help, bail bonds, pen pals, paralegal services, recommended books, free information, etc.
You will also find personal stories from a variety of people; inmates, families of inmates, death row, prison ministries, and others.
Another service the Broken Bridge Brigade offers is our "Special Family Issue". In this special issue you can submit photos for your loved one who is prison, the photos will be inserted as part of the newsletter, making this special issue customized for THAT person. You can also send shout outs to inmates. Bookmark this page to read the online version of the BRoken Bridge Brigade, page also inlcudes letter and order form for easy printing and inamte feedback about the newsletter. More feedback and documents to be added.
Layout Provided By - Myspace Layouts

My Interests

Bringing resources to inmates and their families

I'd like to meet:

Subscriptions and Special Issues are available to the U.S and outside of the U.S. It is against myspace policy to include ordering information so e-mail me at [email protected] for details or write to: Justice 4 Inmates
ATTN: Newsletter
P.O BOX 660
BINGHAMTON, NY 13905-0660
(Photos submitted for special issues are returned to sender) or they can be emailed. For any other info. please message me or email to: [email protected] or [email protected]


The Exonerated, Paradise Lost, Devils Advocate, and others


advocates for prisoners, animal rights activists, advocates for children, LEAP, LERA, Sister Helen Prejean, Henry Rollins, Jack Black, Steve Earle, caring people from around the world who work to improve the lives of others.

My Blog

Jan/ Feb 2007 Issue

The January 2007 issue of the Broken Bridge Brigade can be downloaded from the following url: 70660bc5/Issue2-Jan2007.PDF Feel free to shar...
Posted by Broken Bridge Brigade on Tue, 30 Jan 2007 09:55:00 PST

We want to hear from YOU

As most of you know I write and publish The Broken Bridge Brigade prisoners newsletter. I would like to fit many of you in the newsletter somehow. So .... if you - PROVIDE A SERVICE such as: BailBonds...
Posted by Broken Bridge Brigade on Thu, 18 Jan 2007 08:55:00 PST

Broken Bridge Brigade NOW ONLINE

Bookmark this page to read the online version of the BRoken Bridge Brigade, page also inlcudes letter and order form for easy printing and inamte feedback about the newsletter. More feedback and docum...
Posted by Broken Bridge Brigade on Tue, 05 Dec 2006 06:11:00 PST

Send your holiday wishes to inmates

Send your holiday wishes to inmates in the upcoming issue of the Broken Bridge Brigade. Just email or message me with your message, who it is to and from and your message will appear in the December i...
Posted by Broken Bridge Brigade on Sun, 19 Nov 2006 01:33:00 PST

How to Submit Content

As we prepare for our first issue we would like to hear from you. Submit your articles, news, personal stories, letters to editor, artwork by e-mail or mail to: Justice 4 Inmates, Attn: newsletter, &n...
Posted by Broken Bridge Brigade on Sat, 18 Nov 2006 01:16:00 PST