Most things legal!
Well, would love to meet Frederick Forsyth, I've got to ask him how on earth he does his research for his books, its absolutely crazy!
Dnb - more than anything else Blues, jazz, indian stuff, soul,
LOTR trilogy, now how many times have i watched these? lost count! And loads of others!
Sport - Cricket, football, snooker, darts etc Documentaries - wildlife, sea life and nature stuff.
Anything by Frederick Forysth, some philosophy books, and a whole mixture of books.
My mum, my dad, my cousin Chase, my best friends Saq, Abhaey and Joseph Howard, all the people of yesteryear who made huge contributions to our way of life. Musicians and Djs Fabio, calibre, John B, high contrast, Marky etc and anyone who has come into this world and made it a better place for others.