SHOPPING, taKing good shots of myself ,, Rhumba @ starbuks, BadmintOn, IcE mOnsters, MUvi mARAthon, Internet, READing, FLIP FLOPS!, Laugh Trips!
beldion bryan balanan.... nid i say More?
rnb, hiphop,acoustic, alternative,senti,pop, anything actually, EXCEPT ROCK! 2.........
legends of the fall, a beautiful mind, american pie, hotchick, shanghai knights, devil's advocate, nothing hill, hot chick.
fear factor, smallville, the simpsons, WRESTLING @ SOLAR CHANNEL
d vinci code, angels n demons, digital fortress, deception point, tuesday with morrie, true confession of a shopcaholic, the Alchemist, chicken soup, the lil prince, a woman with 2 navels, purpose driven life
My Mom