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About Me

horror movies
death/black metal
punk rock
power violence

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My Interests

blood and guts oh my.


spazz, dystopia, phobia, emperor, neurosis, crass, dirt, cryptopsy, the locust, anal cunt, mortician, cripple bastards, reisist and exsist, macabre, bad acid trip, bikini kill, old mans child, motorhead, motley crue, cradle of filth, cannibal corpse, fleas and lice, man is the bastard, conflict, assuck, marduk, flux of pink indians, the expoilted, misfits, ramones, queen, black army jacket, nausea, filth, chaos uk, the varukers, rudimentary peni, nirvana, beastie boys, dead kennedys, litmus green, divisia, nile, the white stripes, system of a dowm, type o negitive, misery, extinction of mankind, the flaming lips,lunachicks oh and about a billion other bands.


trainspotting, gummo, day of the dead, land of the dead, dawn of the dead, house of a 1000 corpses, terror firmer, pink flamingos, girl interupted, texas chainsaw massacre 1 & 2, high tension, scarface, tromeo and juliet, bloodsucking freaks, cabin fever, hostel, cannibal holocaust, meet the feebles, lord of the rings trilogy, evil dead 1 & 2, sin city, saw, kung-fu hustle, the crow, it, taxi driver, the story of ricky, party monster, velvet goldmine,the good girl, rules of attraction, american psycho, frida, welcome to the dollhouse, boys dont cry, the devils rejects, touch me in the morning, trailer town, the toxic avenger, citizen toxie, class of nuke em' high, rivers edge, chopper chicks in zombie town, decline of western civilzation 1&3, zombie, killer condom, may, suspria, 8mm...and about a millon other movies.


miami ink, the young ones, robot chicken, wonder showzen,secret lives of women, desperate housewifes


prozac nation, cell, girl interupted, the bell jar, primal screamer, road rage, disco bloodbath, rules of attration, tales of ordinary maddness,the satanic witch,the satanic bible,the gunslinger, bitch, it, carrie, the shinning...if its good i'll read it.


heros are for losers

My Blog


gunnar made out like a little bandit on fake halloween. his bag was full of candy. today was the dreaded day he had to go get filling, which totally sucked. they gave him the shot he cryed, after i ca...
Posted by cristy on Wed, 31 Oct 2007 03:13:00 PST

"fake" halloween

 tonight is trick or treat night for the kids. i think its so lame they dont even celebrate halloween on halloween. gunnar is going to be a ninja turtle, and i am going to be a zombie. today is a...
Posted by cristy on Tue, 30 Oct 2007 09:39:00 PST


i feel like shite'. maybe its the flu shot. one more fucking day thats what i have to keep telling myself.
Posted by cristy on Sun, 28 Oct 2007 05:21:00 PST

you know its a good day....

when a fucking trailer blows up right up the street!! geezus i live around a bunch of fucking morons! so anyways..i have therapy tommorow, i have to go twice a week, its that or surgery. i really...
Posted by cristy on Wed, 24 Oct 2007 02:12:00 PST

hostel II

so i watched hostel II last night. i liked it. of course...tonight i am going to watch the tripper. i love me some good old fashion senseless bloody gorey violent horror flicks!
Posted by cristy on Wed, 24 Oct 2007 09:31:00 PST


so my hot water heater is not broke!! woohoo...the breaker must of tripped when i was tring to fix the that makes me happy.
Posted by cristy on Wed, 17 Oct 2007 02:57:00 PST

jumping jesus on a pogo stick

first my dryer breaks. then my ac, now my fucking water heater is acting all funny. my water isnt getting hot like it should. im pissed! so monday after my doctors appointment i had to take gunna...
Posted by cristy on Wed, 17 Oct 2007 09:55:00 PST

shit shit and more shit

i wish my dryer was fixed.
Posted by cristy on Sun, 14 Oct 2007 05:15:00 PST

someone shoot me!

i got that fucking cold rob has, my face feels like its swollen, and i am stuffed up, my throat hurts, this sucks!!!! oh to make things better pink eye is going around my work..nice huh? gunnar got hi...
Posted by cristy on Tue, 25 Sep 2007 05:01:00 PST

back from the dead

but on a strange note, my digicam thought it would be nice to start working again.
Posted by cristy on Thu, 20 Sep 2007 01:21:00 PST