I like the following: toast and a cup of early grey; woodcraft folk; blue highlighter pens; casual drinking; cats; green revenge; doodling; foreign films; woods; fields; the flicker of a flame; daffodils; a posh cocktail bar with good music and friends; watching the adverts from disney films, you recorded in the early 90s; eating big meals outside with friends; friends in general; dancing; baking; velvet; ball pools; death slides; that infamous evening at Leeds Fest 06, when I ate all the sandwiches; english beaches with chips and ice cream and wind; kissing; proper honey and lemon; rubbish black and white horror films; pretentious A3 art books with just pictures; egg and marmite soldiers; the soothing sounds of the radio; imagining I'm an evacuee; being in an old cafe with a good hot chocolate with whipped cream and an open fire, after a long walk in the hills, in the rain; listening to a song that makes you fly inside; the ritual of playing vinyl records; Mrs Wadsworth; life...
My Interests
Just waddling around the town, you know...
I'd like to meet:
some of my closest friends, but at unexpected times and places