Travels, Outdoor Activities, Photography, Cinema.
Radiohead, Blond Redhead, Clash, Death in Vegas, Air, Massive Attack, White Stripes,The Kills, Chermical Brothers, Bjork, Beck, Kings of Convenience, Royksop, Strokes, Belle & Sebastian, Miss Kittin, Fat Slim Boy, Tiromancino, Elisa, Carmen Consoli, De Gregori.
Movies: Kill Bill, Pulp Fiction, Lost in Translation, Silence of Lamb, The Purple Rose of Cairo, Eyes Wide Shut, The Strowberries Place, Whispers and Screems, Full Metal Jacket, For a few dollars more, Proud and Pregiudice, Intervista di Fellini, L'Eclisse, Blow up, La Famiglia, Ieri oggi e Domani, Papere, Non ci resta che piangere, Ecce Bombo, Le fate Ignoranti, Piccolo Diavolo, Bianco Rosso e Verdone, L'ultimo bacio, Tremors, Back to the future. Directors: Ingmar Bergman, J.J. Trouffau, J.L. Godard, Pasolini, Fellini, Scola, Archibugi, De Sica, M. Antonioni, Quentin Tarantino, Kubrick, Sophia Coppola, Woody Allen, Sergio Leone, Hitchkoch.
Le Invasioni Barbariche, The Simpsons.
Writers: Enrico Brizzi, Banana Yoshimoto, Andrea De Carlo, Herman Hesse, Erlend Oye. Books: the world of Sophie, Kitchen, Jack Frusciante è uscito dal Gruppo, Alchimista, 1984, Due di Due.
We could be heroes just for one day