I am currently trying to clean up the mess I've made...... If you have seen my room you'll know what I mean. Besides that I am working twards a better me, in a better place, in a better world, and for heavens sake surrounded by the best people! Hanging out with my friends or taking time for myself. I adore photography, when I have something intreguing infront of me. And I try to live as close to a stress free life as I can.
Jenn --
A dance involving little to no clothing
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Our Maker.
Real People, With real Lives.
R.I.P. Jennifer Marie Korjenek!!
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I can pretty much stand all music accept for circus. I dig such bands as Incubus, Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyde, Def Leopard, AC DC, Skynyrd, The Doors, Red Hot Chili Peppers, The eels, Pixies, The cramps, Louis Armstrong, Sinatra, The temptations, Santana, Blackalicious, Brother Ali, Lyrics Born, and Atmosphere. and so on and so forth. I have a very eclectic liking. My heart lies with a lot of classic rock. I also listen to a lot of bay area hip hop. I love chick singers like portis head, jem, sarah mcclaughlin, and tori amos. I have a pretty open mind to experiencing different bands, and new styles of musical expression. There are many songs I enjoy that I couldn't name cause well, I don't know the bands name. Can't forget about most of the 80's, and only corn ball shit from the 90's like prince, vannilla ice, and color me badd. J/k Well unless i'm getting shitty and want something I can laugh and groove to at the same mother fuckin' time.
Go Ask Alice, and The Celestine Prophecy. Eventually my life story intertwined with the wisdom learned through out it.
My father, For being the strong and stubborn individual that he is, He taught me how to be a survivor!!!! And those who Live their dreams... MyGen Profile Generator