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Miss Behave


About Me

I am who I am.
I have hit yet another crossroad in my life, and I truly feel this is one of the more important tests I have had to face. It's time to make it through the rough spots with my head on straight, something I have honestly never attempted. Wish me luck.
I have lived quite a life, yet have managed to see very little outside my valley walls. I lack direction, but make up for it in personality. I love people who are not sane, yet strive to find my sanity.My name is Jenn, Jenny, Jenny Jean, Jennifer, Jenn D., Jenn Dill, Nej Schwillingham, or Willaferd (only on Tuesdays and Thursdays).I've been a friend and a foe, a lover and a fighter, popular and a dweeb, sober and drunk, high and clean, friendly and rude, truthful and vindictive, right and wrong.
A wonderful friend of mine once told me that I had the ability to walk in a room and completely light it up, or make it feel the pain I felt. I have a strong presence to me. It is either loved or misunderstood. I feel deeply about everyone and everything in my life. I am witty, charming, and adorable. I've even been told I look innocent, I never thought that could be true.
I love music, I love to dance, and I love to make people laugh.
I like many people have had a life full of ups and downs, everyday I strive to first understand the trials and tribulations in my life, and then rise above them.
I believe everything happens for a reason.
For more great movies go to www.youtube.com/sonicmarcus or www.myspace.com/scottscotty.http://www. superdeluxe. com/sd/contentDetail. do?id=D81F2344BF5AC7BBD19E4217FD37D9706F5B0C9DF51D8816

My Interests

I am currently trying to clean up the mess I've made...... If you have seen my room you'll know what I mean. Besides that I am working twards a better me, in a better place, in a better world, and for heavens sake surrounded by the best people! Hanging out with my friends or taking time for myself. I adore photography, when I have something intreguing infront of me. And I try to live as close to a stress free life as I can. Jenn --

A dance involving little to no clothing

'How will you be defined in the dictionary?' at QuizGalaxy.com

I'd like to meet:

Our Maker.
Real People, With real Lives.

R.I.P. Jennifer Marie Korjenek!!
Create your own Friend Quiz here


I can pretty much stand all music accept for circus. I dig such bands as Incubus, Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyde, Def Leopard, AC DC, Skynyrd, The Doors, Red Hot Chili Peppers, The eels, Pixies, The cramps, Louis Armstrong, Sinatra, The temptations, Santana, Blackalicious, Brother Ali, Lyrics Born, and Atmosphere. and so on and so forth. I have a very eclectic liking. My heart lies with a lot of classic rock. I also listen to a lot of bay area hip hop. I love chick singers like portis head, jem, sarah mcclaughlin, and tori amos. I have a pretty open mind to experiencing different bands, and new styles of musical expression. There are many songs I enjoy that I couldn't name cause well, I don't know the bands name. Can't forget about most of the 80's, and only corn ball shit from the 90's like prince, vannilla ice, and color me badd. J/k Well unless i'm getting shitty and want something I can laugh and groove to at the same mother fuckin' time.


Go Ask Alice, and The Celestine Prophecy. Eventually my life story intertwined with the wisdom learned through out it.


My father, For being the strong and stubborn individual that he is, He taught me how to be a survivor!!!! And those who Live their dreams... MyGen Profile Generator

My Blog

In a different state.

I've decided to walk the straight path..... at least for this week :) I had a tired body, with an even more tired mind. Coming out of the clouds is quite an exhilirating feeling.... Smiling with the e...
Posted by Miss Behave on Tue, 15 Jul 2008 01:04:00 PST

My energy

Level is truley low today.I all too often put it twards people and situations that are not deserving.I have got to relax my worried mind, and not take everything that happens in life so personal,And e...
Posted by Miss Behave on Mon, 16 Jun 2008 05:44:00 PST

Every Woman

A WOMAN SHOULD HAVE ...enough money within her control to move out and rent a place of her own, even if she never wants to or needs to... A WOMAN SHOULD HAVE ... something perfect to wear if the emp...
Posted by Miss Behave on Fri, 13 Jun 2008 10:17:00 PST


I'm feeling better than I Have in a bit.   I think not drinking at night helps.   Now to work on the eating habits again.   Did a slip backwards when my grandfather passed.   Start...
Posted by Miss Behave on Wed, 04 Jun 2008 09:06:00 PST


I'm going through more changes.  Figuring out my worth, And how I want to spend it. All the time I find something to put my energy into, And as quick as I find it, I need to walk away from it. ...
Posted by Miss Behave on Tue, 03 Jun 2008 08:33:00 PST

what a long year.....

Just letting it all soak in......   I'm excited to see what else this year throws at me......   It's time to make the changes.....   To better myself, and tend to my spirit......  ...
Posted by Miss Behave on Wed, 28 May 2008 02:24:00 PST


I totally busted my knee in the billco's parking lot thursday night. Fucking ouch.  Now it is turning like this green color.....   My mom claims it's part of the healing. I think it loo...
Posted by Miss Behave on Sat, 24 May 2008 12:43:00 PST

love love love this

"warning" Incubus.   (first view today) Bat your eyes girlBe otherworldlyCount your blessingsSeduce a strangerWhat's so wrongWith being happy?Kudos to those whoSee through sicknessYeahOver and ov...
Posted by Miss Behave on Fri, 16 May 2008 02:30:00 PST

What a long couple of weeks.

And it ended with me hurting the woman I love the most in my life. I just wanted a chance to wind down. Get that bit of time to lay in my bed and reflect on the love and loss that consumed my last 1...
Posted by Miss Behave on Sat, 10 May 2008 09:43:00 PST

Dean Alden Dillingham

Dean Alden Dillingham, born September 8, 1926, in Grass Valley, California passed away at his home in Alta Sierra, California May 1, 2008 after a courageous eight-year battle with cancer.  A fi...
Posted by Miss Behave on Mon, 05 May 2008 10:59:00 PST