I make art. I paint. I make things out of clay. Go check out my website surlyramics.com if you want to see what I've been making out of clay. Check out my pics to see some of my paintings. I've painted HUNDREDS of em so there are just a few posted.
I'd like to meet Tom Waits. I'd ask him to read my grocery list cuz everything he says sounds cool. Oh and Richard Dawkins is my new idol. Smart people are cool.
I like music.
Movies are good if you need to kill some time... or if you live here in Hollywood movies are good if you need to make some extra money.
You gotta have a sense of humor these days so I think the only thing good on TV is Southpark, the Simpsons, Family Guy and I loved The Sopranos. You can watch Southpark on iTunes and DVDs dont have commercials so in my opinion TV's days are numbered. The WORST thing on TV is Fox news. I mean really... ouch...its just painful to watch...so I dont.
The God Delusion by Richard Dawkins. Read it, I dare you! Seriously people WAKE UP!!!! Now Im reading The Single Helix by Steve Jones and God is not Great by Christopher Hitchens. Science is sexy!
My heroes are people who pull themselves up from nothing and make something great out of their lives. I’m also pretty fond of painters like Frida Kahlo and Van Gogh and Picasso (to some extent) and other artists who made art for art's sake regardless of notoriety or money or praise. They just kept it up and expressed themselves the way they wanted or needed to regardless of what society said. If you are a true painter you will paint until the day you die. A simple truth that leads you along a heroes path. I'm also pretty fond of scientists! Yay science!