Jason profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

I am tall. Half Thai, Half Kiwi. No-one can tell where I am from. A lot of people say I look Japanese but I guess that's because I have lived here for so long, my clothing and mannerisms are affected. I turn 31 years old this year, time flies by so quickly, I hardly know where I am in life anymore. 12 years in Thailand, 10 years in NZ and 9 years in Japan. When I am in Thailand, people don't take me for a Thai, when I am in NZ, people don't take me for a Kiwi, so I guess that's why I spend my life now in Japan.. where I am treated like a foreigner, like all the other foreigners (though I must admit, blond-haired blue-eyed people get treated in their own special way as well). I speak four languages pretty fluently, struggling with my fifth, French. Tokyo is really a great city. A little crowded perhaps, but has such depth and richness of human culture. Anything you want is at your fingertips, night or day. I love wine, and I am proud to say that New Zealand makes some of the best white wine in the world. If you ever have a chance to see NZ wines in your liquor store, do not hesitate to pick up a bottle; I promise you won't be disappointed. Riesling, Sauvignon Blanc or Pinot Gris, any brand will do. I collect computer books, web-design books and graphics books. You can sure spend a lot of money buying that stuff. I have an insatiable appetite for learning, and lament that there aren't enough hours in a day to be used for studying. My favourite hobby of course is photography and I have been taking photos ever since I was able to hold my dad's camera. Friends are always annoyed that I always have my camera with me, capturing every (potentially incriminating) moment. As soon as I get some time, I am gonna rebuild my website so you can all see my pictures :-D

My Interests

Web Design, Graphics, Comps, HiFi, Headphones, Interior Design, Weights, Fire Poi, Fire Breathing, Lighting Fires, Wakeboarding, Snowboarding, Mountain Biking, Cafes, Coffee, Raves, DnB Parties, Taking Photos, Wines, Eating

I'd like to meet:

I am pretty antisocial these days. The past 2 years of limited human contact has destroyed whatever little social-skills I had! Tokyo is a city of 13 million, yet it's a very lonely place. At least that's how I feel. Everyone needs to get out more! (Including me!). All my friends are exceptional people. If you are extraordinary in any way, or are just goddamned beautiful, let's go drink some coffee!


Moby, U2, DnB, Yohji Biomehanika, Paul Oakenfold, Paul van Dyk, Westbam, Massive Attack, Portishead, Sinatra, Carl Orff, Gershwin, Underworld, Orbital, Coldplay, Radiohead. I am not one to fuss over artist names though; I just like to listen to stuff that sounds good. Most of the time I really don't know who's playing what, but if it sounds good, I'll like it. My favourite sites are: http://www.afterhoursdjs.org and www.bassdrive.com .


Matrix I+II+III, Oceans 11, Anger Management, Happy Gilmore, Office Space, Billy Madison, Austin Powers 1+2+3, Monsters Inc, Panic Room, Fight Club, Snatch, Lock Stock, Akira, Ghost in the Shell, Gladiator, Clerks, Mallrats, Dumb n Dumber, Shaolin Soccer, Ghost Dog, Last Samurai, Wasabi, Bourne Identity, Amelie, Being John Malkovich, Old School, Payback, As Good as it Gets, American Pie 1+2+3, The Cell, Heat, American Beauty, Secretary, Runaway Jury


I hardly ever watch television... but if I must, it's usually CSI. Oh, and I love Animal Planet


I'm reading a lot of Carol O'Connell lately. I've read every Dan Book there is, and though a little far fetched, I find them very entertaining. I have an ever-growing collection of computer books... so much that it seems like I enjoy collecting them more than reading them! I also read some manga and a lot of non-fiction. If you ever want to read a funny comic, look for "Inachuu Takyuubu"