A & R Photography profile picture

A & R Photography

Never chase recognition, chase your passion.

About Me

*All photos on this page and the photo section are copyrighted and may not be used in full or part without our consent. Please be respectful of our work and the work of other photographers and artists as well.*
♥Photography is our passion!♥
A&R Photography consists of a husband and wife team out of Salem, MA whom 4 years ago had the opportunity to photograph models for artist Mayarey. Since their inception, they have taken photos for Suite Magazine www.suitemag.com , an online woman's magazine as well as photographing models for the 2007 - 2008 Dreamscape Fantasies Calendar published by Crossing Realms www.crossingrealmsllc.com .
Known for their varied types of photography, their specialties include: Portraits, Event Photography, Landscapes and anything that captures their eye or attention.They are currently working on other projects with Crossing Realms.
"The goal is not to change your subjects, but for the subject to change the photographer." ~Anonymous
♥We have had the privilege of working with the following models, thanks to all of you, it's been a pleasure to work with you!♥
Steve Rossi ~ model
Lysa Demorest ~ model/graphic artist
Evan Scott ~ model
Sylvester Bowden ~ model http://www.geocities.com/imakasly/
Brian Schell ~ cover and fitness model/bodybuilder www.brian-schell.com/
Isaac Woofter ~ actor/model
Bill Freda ~ actor/model www.billfreda.com
David Deslandes ~ model
Mayarey ~ artist/model http://mayarey.com
Julian Fantechi ~ actor/model www.julian-fantechi.com/
Chris Winters ~ actor/model www.chriswinters.com/
Lisa Torres ~ model/hand model http://amandajayde.com/
Kent Edwards ~ actor/model/photographer www.coveragemodel.com
Anna DeStefano ~ romance author/model www.annawrites.com

My Interests

"It's not the camera, but who's behind the camera." ~Anonymous

I'd like to meet:

Photographers, artists, writers and any other creative soul.

Photography by Scott Bulger


"Let the beauty you love, be what you do." ~Anonymous


"When one picks up ones camera and freezes a moment in time we all get a glimpse of ones soul." ~Anonymous


"A photograph can be as striking and as haunting as a great painting or a fine poem." ~Anonymous


"I can't sing, I can't paint and I can't write how I feel, so all I have left is photography to express myself." ~Anonymous


"Success is not final, failure is not fatal; it is the courage to continue that counts." ~Anonymous