dutch,espanol,snowboarding,music,clubbing,diets, travelling,FCE-food-cooking-eating...guys and the others...
the biggest fan of mine
bright eyes, placebo,franz ferdinand,lo fi fnk, koop,lily allen,elephant, hard fi, snow patrol,the killers,beck,amy winehouse, razorlight,kaiser chiefs,the kooks,the cure,british sea power,nouvelle vague, bloc party,keane, gorilaz,ash,interpol,beck, arctic monkeys,the Strokes, i am x,sunshine,eost,skyline,priessnitz,kontrafakt,goro,khoiba... ........
mean girls(feel little ashamed to say that but thats the movie i have seen so many times in my life as nothing else)..skeleton key(b stuff too)walk the line, tri ori,,ky pro popelku, cokolada, plechovy bubinek, prime, samotari, sex and city(!!!addicted), match point,
never...u can try stream.cz
antient(ALL)...seneca, aristoteles, homer, platon, plautus, petronius...love it!.....then super.cz, and seriously music mags,tyden, reflex, italstina pro samouky
my five years old bro who manipulates with more people than i do....