G'day my name is Paul Wood, I'm 25 and from Adelaide, Australia but currently on my 4th and biggest around the world adventure. I’ve been backpacking for the best part of the past 8 years and by the end of this trip should have travelled through nearly 60 countries and worked in 6. Some people may think I’m rich but the truth is that I spend less money than a homeless man and travel more than a millionaire. I find that living on next to nothing not only lets you travel longer, but also leads you to the most amazing and crazy adventures. I’ve had many near death experiences over the years but nothing beats the unbelievable mind blowing stories that have come out of my journeys. Due to a combination of my adventurous spirit and being a cheap bastard, I seem to have an uncanny ability of getting myself into the craziest of situations whilst travelling. PLEASE CLICK THIS TO VIEW MY TRAVEL BLOGSo far in my travels I've lived in a forest for a month under a log and hunted rabbits, flew out to Germany to test a new heart medicine, became a stand up comedian in Germany, towed a speed boat across Europe for some complete strangers and lived in their millionaire Greek Islands villa for 2 months, got lost in a secret cave for hours, almost died in a blizzard on the peak of UK's highest mountain, was almost arrested for running across an NBA court in the USA, fell down a cliff in Greece, walked 250km across Scotland in the middle of winter in the snow to save some cash and slept in our tent in knee deep snow, almost killed myself bleaching my hair with pool chlorine, was almost stoned to death in a rock throwing riot in Nepal, was nearly caught in a mini tornado in the desert in India.....and that’s just the start...... I love roughing it out and travelling the world with just the basics and making the most of every minute of the day.I’ve just been working in Galway, Ireland for the past 9 months after backpacking through Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, Laos, Nepal, and India at the start of 2007. The next leg of my trip begins in Feb 2008 in Dubai where I start my next 7 month adventure. I plan to travel parts of the Middle East, North Africa, Eastern Europe, Southern Europe, North America, Mexico, the Caribbean, Peru, and New Zealand before returning home to Adelaide in September.During my travels I have been and will be writing a travel blog which I update 2-3 times a week and include pictures, videos, and comments amongst my stories and adventures. So if you haven’t seen it already, PLEASE CLICK THIS TO VIEW MY TRAVEL BLOG . Make sure you add it to your favourites list and don’t forget to write me a comment to help spur me on. Also if you would like blog update emails, please email me at
[email protected] and I’ll add you to my updates list. Pass it on, tell your mates, lets make this thing huge!!Keep it Real :)