Traveling is like a drug. The more places you go...the more places you want to go. I'm lucky enought to get 3-4 months off a year to go to places I dream of and meet the most amazing people and see the most amazing things. I'll talk your ear off!
Everyone, even if just once, but if I would have to pick just three...Freud (to pick his brain), Dalai Lama (to have some tea), and the Sultan of Brunei's brother (anyone who can squander a billion dollars on a life of debauchery in a few years...this is true...has to throw a cool party)
Asking me my favorite music is like asking me my favorite color, which is like asking me if I had to sacrifice my right thumb or be born with two left hands...its a hard decision to make. You still following me?
Only the well written screenplays find a special spot for me unless of course its ridiculous comedy. L.A Confidential, Crash, Heat, Tommy Boy, name a few
Nope...maybe the weather channel if I'm feeling saucy and the top is down on my jeep.
Count of Monte Cristo is my favorite classic, but I tend to read all over the board. Stiff by Mary Roach, 1421 by Gary Menzies, The Eden Express by Mark Vonnegut, The Prophet by Kahlil Gibran (everytime you read it you take away something new) are a few I enjoyed. I am always reading to diffuse from work and help me get to bed. I find it helps with my vocabulary as well. Did you know that jocund is an actual word?
My Dad!