I'm pretty interested in winning back a healthy environment for us and future generations. I think it only fair to give to them what we've been able to enjoy. Cold turkey your addiction with overindulgence and consumerism. You've been lied to it's not economically or environmentally beneficial. Quit the march, lemming.
Ahhh, and on a lighter note, the colors that the setting or rising sun makes are astonishing to me.
We will get along perfectly won't we?
The Moon
One of the few things that can put you in the deepest of thought and bring you to silence; make you move like you never have or possibly shouldn't; have you smiling and crying within a ten minute time period; have you falling in love making your heart bleed for someone and can erase concern about the person in the car next to you watching you pour your heart out to the windsheild.
*Drop Dead Gorgeous
*The Big Lebowski
...just a few of the genius FILMS I enjoy, yes Films!
*Me and You and Everyone We Know(genius ms. july)
*Eternal Sunshine Of A Spotless Mind kills me; tears my heart out.
*Motorcycle Diaries was stunningly and beautifully shot.
Also, I'm pretty sure Christopher Guest and I will marry one day.
The big step is on it's way!
Pickup Ad Busters and see how you feel after a session of the cold, hard, refreshing truth!
I'm in the middle of What's The Matter With Kansas.
I think that old books smell really good sometimes.
The person who puts an end to the McDonalds chain for good will be my hero.
With all honesty, Norman Morrison.