Dave profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

I've been Married for 25 Years! Teresa is my best friend. I love her more today than I did the day we were married. I can't imagine a day without her.I love my children...well they used to be children...they're grown up now. I'm very proud of them! I believe God has GREAT things in their future!Me...I just want to be like Jesus. I've learned..."What you connect to you eventually become" ~Dr. Jerry Grillo~Who better to be connected to than Jesus Himself!!!

Background from Yahoo search result

My Interests

Well, My baby girl was married on January 19, 2008! The ceremony was b-e-a-utiful! I'm a very proud dad! It's my privilege to welcome Jeremy Goodman into our family. He's a very unique young man with many God given talents to which he gives God all the glory. It's my privilege to call him, not son-in-law, but SON!

I'd like to meet:

Jesus Christ..


I love Praise & Worship! Clint Brown; Kirk Franklin; Israel Houghton


Everything Star Trek; Back to the Future; The Time Machine/1960 version and 2002 version


The Greatest Book of All Time: The Perfect Word of God! The Bible is the book of instruction that will take you to your next season! When God wanted to take Noah to his next season...He gave him an instruction! You could be one instruction away from your next season of promotion!