Which Deadly Sin Is Yours?
Make war and not love is your motto. Better to rise up in anger and strike someone down than be pushed around.
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Medieval reenactment, larp, armour, cooking, sewing, music, archery..basically anything medieval !!!!Oh yes..live steel armoured combat(not that stage stuff either !!!)..Nothing like smacking your friends with a nice pointy halberd !!
My pirate name is:
Dirty John Flint
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part of the fidius.org network
More folks interested in the hobby !! If you live in Maine and looking for a good 15th century Group give us a holla !!..And Booshies !!!!
Mediaeval Babes, Tull, Baltimore Consort, Sex Pistols, DOA, Youth Brigade, Tenpole Tudor, Dead Kennedy's, Adam and the Ants !! (they rock !! The old stuff....not his solo stuff )..pretty much any early 80's punk !!
H2G2 !!!!!! Monty Python and the Holy Grail, Kelly's Hero's..any of the "Flint" movies, The Great Rock and Roll Swindle, Army of Darkness, Batman (1960's version), Tapeheads, Ghostbusters
THE MIGHTY BOOSH !! MST3K, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Hitchhikers Guide to the galaxy (BBC), Dr Who, Dead Like Me, Red Dwarf, Black Adder, Monty Python
Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy, Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency,
Heroes?? Well..That would have to be Vince Noir and Howard Moon..Zoo keepers extrordinare !! ALL HAIL THE MIGHTY BOOSH !!!!!