I love art, and art loves me...well, so art says, but that's ok...cuz art will always be my baby's daddy.
cOoL peOpLe
JaZZ eNthusiasts
bOok rEaders
pOsitive tHinkers
nEgative Thinkers.
lOvers of Love
lOvers Of liFe
cUrious Dreamers
aDvocates of tHOughtful conVersation
but most of all...
CooL peopLe...
thOse thoughtfuL enough to send a greeting email
instead of some meaningless lonE friend invite.
7 year BiTch |Miles dAVIS | cREED | LucIa di Lammermoore | nine inch Nails | no DOUBT | modest Mouse | bLack Eyed peas | Bjork | eminem | weezer | goriLLaz | tricky | LuDacris | wEIrd AL | marVin gAye | sNEaekr pImps | AerOsmith always gets the jOb done. RocK rOck rocK n ROll i lovE HIP HOP||trip hop|| 80's pop/rock and polka DotZ ||
- I LIKE PORTIS HEAD ...to hell with it, I'LL pretty much Listen To anyThing with a kicken beat and OR wonderFul thOught prOvoking lYrics. Love it All
I Watch 'Em.
it iSn't So prEtty out theRe IS it?
i HeArt HuckAbees | AnchOrman | AmerIcan PsychO | Envy | lord of the RINGS thrillogy | HeatHers | DEath TO sMoochy | Equilibrium | ManChuRian CanDidAt | FreDDY got FingereD | The Hours | PleasAntViLLe | Head Of State | AlonG came Polly | WeddinG SinGer | GLadiator | Frequency | EterNAl Sunshine | Go | Edward ScissOrHands | Riding in CarS wITH Boys | SandLot | hOUSE OF 1000 corpses | HoUse of SAnd aNd Fog | Legend | gHOST wORLD | La Femme Nikkita | heavENly CreaTures SideWalks of New yOrk | Train sPotters | sTAge BeautY |What dReams may Come, AnD So On and so FortH...
I'd like to give a shout out to all of my
"HOMies" in Syndication who take part in distracting the last two
neurons left in my brain...Conan O'brien_ The Simpsons
biLLy and Mandy_sPonge BoB_tHE tWIlight Zone_Def Poetry...you RoCk my
wOrLd!__Discovery channel
...you rock my wOrLd sumore!
Adult swim...FamiLy Guy
Aqua teen HUNGER force_UUUUm
whAt am I forgettiiiing uuuUuh-Love the
Science & History ChannelS and HBO
YEA, I'm a TV head but I'm no SQUARE.
_The Stolen Child by Keith Donohue
_America's Secret War by George Friedman
WhatEver sPARks my IntriGue
Vin Diesel he plays a hero a lot... Arnold Schwarzenegger : Hero in Total Recall(love that movie)Bruce Willis in The Fifth Element (a classic) oh yea and Wesley Snipes: Awesome in Blade and Blade 2. Even better...Jessica Beil as Abigail Whistler in Blade Trinity kicked ass all over the place. Too much is never enough. All of the IncredibleS and let us not forget Frozone.(AMazIng mOvie).